
Pro-abortion group ‘investigates’ pregnancy centers, and no one will be shocked at their conclusions


Last year, an ordinance in Columbus, Ohio, allocated money to Pro-Choice Ohio so that it could investigate pro-life pregnancy resource centers (PRCs). The goal was to determine whether or not “residents of the City of Columbus have access to medically accurate and legal reproductive health information” through PRCs. Reasonable individuals would expect that such an “investigation” will a full-throated pro-abortion bias would skew sharply against pregnancy centers. And unsurprisingly, that’s exactly what Pro-Choice Ohio determined, claiming that information given to women by pro-life centers is “misleading.”

WCMH reported that Pro-Choice Ohio — originally founded as an affiliate of NARAL Pro-Choice America — claim PRCs spread “misleading information” and perform ultrasounds at “unregulated” centers. The pro-abortion group also criticized PRCs for educating women about the potential of abortion pill reversal — the use of the pregnancy hormone progesterone (long administered to women experiencing threatened miscarriage) to counter the effects of mifepristone.

PRCs have helped hundreds of thousands of women, with various centers offering resources like health care, housing, baby gear, diapers, clothing, daycare, educational opportunities, and more. One study from the Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) estimated the value of the free services provided by PRCs to be over $270 million… in 2019 alone!

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PRCs aren’t actively working to prevent access to abortion facilities. They are helping women who want to choose life or aren’t sure what they are going to do regarding their unplanned babies.

To carry out this service, they inform women about abortion procedures and risks, and fetal development — something abortion facilities have been caught lying about. Abortion businesses have actually been found to mislead women about fetal development and abortion procedures.

It is because they do not commit abortions, or refer to abortion facilities, that PRCs are under attack from abortion advocates and the abortion industry.

Not acknowledged by Pro-Choice Ohio, WCMH, or the city of Columbus is that NARAL Pro-Choice America (founded by racists and eugenicists much like Planned Parenthood was) has long waged a battle with the express goal of shutting down PRCs. And despite the complaints of PRCs being “unregulated,” there was also no acknowledgment of the dangers that are present in Ohio abortion facilities, including Preterm — a facility in which a young woman, Lakisha Wilson, was killed during a botched abortion.

To reiterate: Despite the fact that Preterm killed a woman, Pro-Choice Ohio still recommends the facility on its website.

Wilson’s death at Preterm was entirely preventable, as the abortion facility did not date her pregnancy correctly and did not properly monitor her after the procedure. Wilson eventually hemorrhaged and went into cardiac arrest.

Women deserve support and tangible resources to empower them to choose life and parenthood. They deserve better than abortion.

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