A Planned Parenthood facility in Michigan requested an ambulance after a woman suffered an emergency, calling the situation “non-emergent.” The incident report, however, tells a different story.
Operation Rescue reported that the Walker Health Center in Traverse City called 911 on October 27, 2023, requesting an ambulance for a patient. Though details about the woman are not known, the Planned Parenthood staffer said she thought the woman was having an allergic reaction, and didn’t give any further details about the patient’s medical history or condition. She also didn’t know the age of the patient.
Unsurprisingly, keeping the incident secret was the foremost priority for Planned Parenthood. “We are requesting a silent approach and pull to the rear entrance, please,” the staffer said. The Call for Service Detail Report listed the situation as “non-emergent” in the description.
However, the Incident Report said the patient required advanced life support (ALS). Emergency responders are equipped to provide two levels of care: ALS and basic life support (BLS). ALS is administered to patients in critical condition who have suffered a life-threatening condition like cardiac arrest, acute coronary syndrome, or stroke. A patient may also have suffered a potentially fatal complication in the ambulance on the way to the hospital, required continuous intravenous therapy for fluids and medications, or had a compromised airway.
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If the woman was having an allergic reaction, it would not be unusual for it to have been in response to anesthesia, and a compromised airway is a symptom of a life-threatening allergic reaction — which would indicate why she was given ALS care.
“This Planned Parenthood, and many other abortion businesses across the nation, care so little about their patients that they actually attempt to slow down the EMS professionals trained to provide emergency medical intervention for women who could be on the verge of dying,” Operation Rescue President Troy Newman said. “This pattern of heartlessness is seen over and over at these killing centers. This type of shockingly callous behavior is to be expected from people who kill innocent humans every day for a profit. However, because of the prevalent talking points of politicians and the mainstream media, girls and women walk into these dangerous dungeons of death actually believing they will receive compassionate and professional health care.”