Human Interest

His daughter died by abortion at 20 weeks. Watch his heartbreaking story.

Live Action recently sat down to speak with Thomas Kearns, whose daughter, Clementine, was killed by abortion. Kearns is sharing Clementine’s story to keep her memory alive.

Kearns, who previously told his story to Live Action News in detail, said he was surprised to learn that Clementine’s mother was pregnant, but that “ultimately that shock was turned to excitement.”

In his interview with Live Action, Kearns explained that he wanted to keep the baby, but the mother was unsure. After telling her what he thought and how he wanted their child, the couple went and received their first sonogram, where they learned that Clementine was the size of a strawberry.



“I saw her little legs and her little arms. I saw her beautiful future. Everything just painted right before me. Then they asked if I wanted to hear her heartbeat, and they played the murmur. Her heartbeat was like music. I can still hear.”

For months the couple planned for the baby, though his girlfriend sometimes wavered on whether or not to have an abortion. Despite Kearns’ wish to see his daughter live and moments in which he was begging for his baby’s life, Clementine’s mother had an abortion on March 13, at 20 weeks pregnant. She was in obvious distress at the time, but the abortion business still committed the abortion.. Kearns was devastated to hear the news. A preborn baby at 20 weeks can be seen below:

dismemberment abortion, born alive, medicare, fetal tissue, fetus, 20 weeks, late-term abortion

Preborn child at 20 weeks.

“Life is not something you can just throw away,” Kearns said. “Life is something to be cherished and valued. A person is not just something that you can forget about or just remove from your life.”

Kearns said he has since learned that Clementine’s dismembered body was used for fetal research, and he’s fighting to get her remains.

“I will not rest until I get my daughter back, and I want every piece of her that has been scattered… The second I heard Clementine’s heartbeat, my life stopped and our life began.”

“Every day that I speak, I will speak for my daughter. It is now my mission to find my daughter, bring her to rest, give her respect and honor and have people understand her value, her legacy.”

Kearns is not alone. Many men grieve lost fatherhood. Many have lost children to abortion when they wanted those babies. Their grief is real, though they are told they do not have a right to grieve the woman’s “choice” or that they are somehow “empowered” or “more free” because of a woman’s so-called “right” to legally kill a preborn child.

Editor’s Note, 8/8/24: This article has been updated since original publication. If you are a man who is grieving the loss of a child to abortion, please visit Rachel’s Vineyard or Entering Canaan to find healing resources and information on retreats.

Editor’s Note, 9/22/24: This article has been updated for clarity. 

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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