In the wake of new evidence provided by a former Planned Parenthood manager detailing the abortion giant’s disturbing annual quotas, Texas congressmen expressed outrage and called on Planned Parenthood to address the issue. The action by lawmakers follows news of an alarming award handed to a Colorado Planned Parenthood office praising its increased abortion rate. Lawmakers also called for nationwide defunding of the organization, which receives half of a billion dollars in taxpayer funds each year.
The Daily Caller notes that the annual budget of a now-closed Planned Parenthood clinic in Bryan, Texas details how the clinic was required to meet quotas in order to stay afloat. According to a report provided by Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood manager turned pro-life advocate, in 2010, the Bryan clinic was required to perform 1,135 abortion procedures in order to generate a revenue of $355,581.
U.S. Rep. Bill Flores of Texas labeled Planned Parenthood’s feticide quotas as “criminal.”
“The criminal behavior of Planned Parenthood has no limits,” Flores said. “Someday, somehow the leadership of Planned Parenthood will have to answer for their callous disregard of the sanctity of human life. In the meantime, I am relieved that the Bryan abortion facility has gone out of business.”
“It is utterly appalling that Planned Parenthood would have annual abortion quotas just to meet their financial goals,” said Congressman Louie Gohmert. “With the vast amount of money Planned Parenthood receives from U.S. taxpayers, it is critical that we determine whether or not any staff members were told that their salaries were contingent on their pushing a certain number of young women to abort their babies.”
The abortion giant has since denied that clinics are required to have abortion quotas. Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains President and CEO Vicki Cowart wrote in a blog post that the clinic does not have abortion quotas; however, Cowart noted that Planned Parenthood celebrates “reproductive health care.”
“Yes, we absolutely do celebrate our progress in ensuring that more people have access to the full range of reproductive health care, including abortion. And we always will,” Cowart said.
Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains is at the center of controversy for awarding a Aurora Planned Parenthood office for exceeding the number of abortion visits. The clinic also is under fire for sending a teenager back to her rapist without notifying authorities.
“There’s one thing more repugnant than the latest revelations about Planned Parenthood’s insatiable appetite for killing as many babies as possible to maximize profits,” Rep. Steve Stockman (R-Texas) said.
Live Action has long exposed Planned Parenthood for covering up criminal actions. The pro-life organization recently investigated Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains in its SEXED investigation, undercovering the disturbing sex advice that staffers are promoting to teens.