In a new election ad, Catholic Vote features a woman – Rachel – who says it’s “dishonest and condescending” for politicians to act like there’s a War on Women in America while basically ignoring the real war on women elsewhere around the globe.
Women in other nations are being forced to convert to Islam, forced to marry, and forced to work as slaves. Rachel doesn’t mention it, but women in China are also being forcibly sterilized after their nearly full-term babies are aborted. Women are being gang raped, murdered because they’re women, aborted because they’re girls, kidnapped and forced to become sex workers. And there’s still more.
“We all know when we’re being used,” Rachel says, and it’s clear she’s had enough. Specifically, Rachel talks about Mark Udall, the incumbent running for Senate in Colorado.
Udall has run an almost single-issue campaign about the bodies of women. The Washington Post aptly describes it in a headline: “Mark Udall has been dubbed ‘Mark Uterus’ on the campaign trail. That’s a problem.”
A local news reporter in Colorado wrote that, if the “race were a movie, the set would be a gynecologist’s office, complete with an exam table and a set of stirrups.”
And so, Rachel answers back:
“What do women really care about? … Men that care about us, and not just our bodies. …
I’m more than just a body. I’m more than a vote. I’m a woman.”
The ad closes with a hashtag that Catholic Vote wants pro-abortion politicians and people alike to remember: #respectwomen. We are more than just our bodies.