A revived battle over human trafficking legislation will resume today in the U.S. Senate, with lawmakers contending over a provision of the bill that would prevent abortion funding.
Lawmakers have bitterly sparred over the measure — Democrats say Republicans tucked abortion restrictions into the measure, while GOP senators note that the Hyde Amendment has long been on the books as a provision to prevent abortion funding. However, both parties will come to the table once again during a vote scheduled for 11 a.m.
The measure sparked intense lobbying from Planned Parenthood, which joined Senate Democrats in filibustering the bill. However, the politicking by pro-abortion interests on the Senate floor reflects a desperate effort by the abortion lobby to protect its bottom line over victims of human trafficking.
“This ridiculous fight over language that they’ve already voted for frequently in the past really needs to stop so we can move forward with this very important human trafficking bill,” McConnell said. “This is no minor issue, and once we do that, then we’ll move on to consider the president’s nominee for Attorney General.”
Planned Parenthood and abortion groups continue to oppose the measure.
“The Senate should protect victims of human trafficking but should not do so at the expense of women’s access to safe and legal abortion,” said Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood.
Across the board, the abortion giant’s actions show that the latest political maneuvering is business as usual. The corporation’s legacy of cover-up demonstrates its willingness to protect its bottom line over victims of human trafficking. Richards’ statements are a reflection of Planned Parenthood’s egregious profiteering, placing abortion above protecting vulnerable women and children.
Planned Parenthood has been caught repeatedly aiding and abetting child sex-traffickers, covering up lawbreaking and sending victims back into the arms of their sexual abusers.
Live Action undercover investigations expose the abortion giant’s willingness to help pimps obtain secret abortions for their child sex slaves. In abortion facilities across the country, Planned Parenthood employees illegally offered to help child sex-traffickers by knowingly providing them abortion, birth control, and STD testing.
Time and time again, Live Action’s undercover cameras exposed how Planned Parenthood is not only willing to cover up cases of human trafficking and child sexual abuse, but offers vulnerable victims abortion as the healing solution to an act of violence.
Planned Parenthood’s latest round of abortion politics solidifies a long history of profiting off of victims. After all, it’s abortion-first ideology trumps all.
Update: The vote scheduled for 11am has been canceled. There will be no vote until next week.