A seemingly common-sense amendment was added to the Minnesota Health and Human Services omnibus bill.
The amendment would require abortion facilities that perform 10 or more abortions each month to be licensed by the state, as well as give the state the authority to perform two inspections a year, with no advance notice given.
Unfortunately, that amendment was rejected in a 29 to 32 vote. Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life responded, saying:
Abortion centers in Minnesota currently are neither licensed nor inspected by any state agency—even though dangerous conditions and unscrupulous abortionists have been discovered in numerous other states. The proposed legislation would rectify this problem by applying the licensing requirements for outpatient surgical centers to abortion centers.
“Abortion centers perform invasive, outpatient surgery, so it makes no sense that they are exempted from the health and safety standards that apply to other outpatient surgical centers,” said MCCL Legislative Director Andrea Rau. “This basic licensing requirement is necessary to ensure that the very unsafe conditions uncovered in other states never happen in Minnesota.”
Yet again, we see that pro-abortion extremists are putting abortion before the safety of women. There is absolutely no reason to exclude abortionists from these very basic requirements of being licensed through the state and subjected to inspections.
It is shameful that abortion mills are able to skate by with no regulation, especially considering the number of abortionists who practice under disgusting, unacceptable conditions around the country.
It is yet another example of how the rallying cry of “women’s health care” is nothing but a lie.
Actually safeguarding the health of women does not matter to the abortion industry. The only thing that matters to them is that abortion is as widespread and easily available as possible, no matter how many women are hurt or killed along the way.