
Planned Parenthood to face Texas legislature tomorrow at hearing on fetal parts scandal

The grand Texas Capitol in the city of Austin, Texas, USA.

Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas is a bit worried because the Texas legislature has wasted no time in launching an investigation into the abortion giant. Tomorrow,  the Senate Committee on Health & Human Services has a hearing on its schedule. The legislative website says:

Charge: Examine the business practices and regulatory structure of Planned Parenthood affiliates in Texas, and investigate whether state or federal laws are being broken by Planned Parenthood and/or its affiliates in Texas in regards to the donation and/or sale of fetal tissue. Consider recommendations to strengthen regulations on abortion providers, including further restrictions on the sale of fetal tissue by these entities.

Scientists Say Fetal Tissue Research Rare, But Potentially Powerful,” Houston Chronicle, July 19, 2015

State Leaders Order Investigations Into Fetal Organ Preservation,” Texas Tribune, July 15, 2015

Texas Penal Code § 48.02, Prohibition of the Purchase and Sale of Human Organs

42 U.S. Code § 289g, Fetal Research, § 289g-1, Research on Transplantation of Fetal Tissue, and § 289g-2, Prohibitions Regarding Human Fetal Tissue

45 C.F.R. §§ 46.201-46.207, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Additional Protections for Pregnant Women, Human Fetuses and Neonates Involved in Research

Yvonne Gutierrez, executive director of Planned Parenthood Texas Votes, sent out a plea to supporters today saying that more “highly-edited” and “doctored” videos were forthcoming and Planned Parenthood needs supporters to join them in a rally outside the Texas Capitol tomorrow from 9-10:30 a.m.:

Now the political allies of this extremist group have joined the smear campaign and called for a legislative hearing tomorrow in Austin. The alliances between anti-choice politicians and this extremist group are clear. This hearing is not about the truth; this is political grandstanding. And we know Texans aren’t fooled and won’t stand for it.

The committee is not allowing any public testimony. We need to make sure the voices of all of those who stand with Planned Parenthood are heard.

Of course her letter includes a fill-in-the-blank letter to send to Texas legislators. It’s identical to the form letter Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards sent today, asking people to send to Congress. This letter is unique only in its opening lines: “This hearing is not about the truth; this is political grandstanding. And Texans aren’t fooled and won’t stand for it.”

However, Gutierrez and Richards probably know that it’s the American people who are no longer fooled.

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