Silent No More, an organization that compiles the testimonies of women who regret their abortions, has released a document containing the stories of women who went to Planned Parenthood and later came to regret their abortions. All of the women who told their stories support defunding the abortion giant.
One young woman tells the following story:
As a 17 year old teenager I walked into a Planned Parenthood office for relief of the overwhelming shame of being pregnant. I was 5’ tall with short dark hair, using my 18 year old friends ID with her picture, she was 5’6” long blonde hair. Guess what? They didn’t notice, didn’t even question it. I was put in line with the others and escorted out the back door after my abortion. It was only the start of a lifelong regret of the choice I made.
The woman who told the story identified herself as Sue from Michigan.