Recently, previously unaired, undercover videos from what is presumably the 2014 National Abortion Federation (NAF) conference were made public. And the NAF is not happy. When we pull out just a few statements from a fetal disposal panel, it’s not difficult to see why. uploaded the videos to YouTube and created a playlist for the public. The following statements are excerpts from “Fetal Disposition [1/3] [GotNews exclusive]” and “Fetal Disposition [2/3] [GotNews exclusive].”
The whole tone of the panel is a ‘woe is me’ type. One panelist, abortion clinic owner Renee Chelian, complains at 25:13 in the first video about Michigan’s fetal disposal laws:
Ironically, Michigan has some of the worst laws–or the loosest laws… in the country to do with medical waste. So anybody could handle medical waste. They were just going to kill us about you know, what we had to do with it.
During the question and answer session in the second video, the panelists opine, “I feel like the mafia,” saying “everything is a secret.” “Antis” are mentioned quite a bit, and the crowd is warned that “if the antis know, this could shut us down.”
Much of the discussion does indeed provide bases for shutting down abortion clinics.
At 25:45, Chelian discusses the disposal of fetal tissue:
The garbage disposal was the completely legal option, which made me sick to my stomach, because there are about 45 clinics in the Detroit Metropolitan area, and many of them were using garbage disposals so I was busy contacting everybody, ‘you have to stop, this cannot be on the front page of the New York Times, we shouldn’t be doing it, any of you.’
It sounds like she’s “sick to her stomach” not so much because she’s dealing with the remains of aborted babies, but because she’s worried about negative press. Priorities, priorities…
That’s not the only time Chelian shows insensitivity to the body parts of babies she’s participated in aborting. She jokes at 26:39 that “they showed me a body bag and I was like dude…” Her response is cut off by laughter, as it is a few more times.
In the second video, she even says, “I want you to laugh about this. This is funny. It’s funny in a really sick way.” I don’t know about “funny,” but it certainly is “really sick.”
In addition to secrecy, desperation is an ongoing theme in the videos.
From the second video, at 3:00:
So this was all I thought about. Like I was so consumed with fetal tissue I was ready to drive to upper Michigan and have a bonfire and was just trying to figure out you know how I wouldn’t get stopped, or how far into the woods would I have to go to have this fire, that nobody was going to see me. I mean, it was the worst, I dreamt about how to dispose of fetal tissue.
When talking about contracting with companies, Renee refers to her “certification of destruction” at 10:05. She says it very non-chalantly, and there is no laughter. The lack of laughter is almost worse, as the abortionists and other staff just move along, seemingly accepting the reality that they regularly destroy human beings.
During question and answer time, a lengthy story is shared about a man Renee claims helped him even though he was a Roman Catholic Republican who didn’t agree with her, but decided to dispose of the babies anyway because he really didn’t like Stericycle. Renee highlights this story, and also explains her search for alternatives to disposing of the fetal remains – including a “backup plan” of purchasing land and equipment to incinerate the babies herself.
At 22:33 she says:
I mean really, this is my backup plan. It’s gonna have a name that is really you know have nothing to do with anything in the universe, and, um, it’ll be really hard to find. It’s gonna be in somebody else’s name, not mine. So I, I don’t know. This is how awful this is. I feel like the mafia.
There is also a lengthy back and forth when a presumably Australian attendee asks, at 23:17, “Could we take it for you?”
Another panelist mentions the problems associated with shipping dead baby body parts across state lines:
…because the whole issue of do we tell FedEx what they’re picking up? How long it will take for the antis to figure it out, and if we don’t tell ’em, what if there’s a bad snowstorm, like there was this winter, and UPS got delayed, or FedEx got delayed, and the truck starts stinking?
The response becomes harder to hear, but at 24:06 it sounds like the response is:
This is like the stuff you use in a Stephen King novel. I’m afraid of it…
I’m sorry, I don’t have the answer, but I think shipping has got to be too dangerous, in some ways. It depended on where you were shipping it to and it had to be somebody, I mean every state law is different. I know I’ve wanted to actually put the fetal tissue in my car and drive to the crematorium, in the other, in Illinois, and I was advised by my attorneys I was breaking several state laws, and that really wasn’t a good idea, although I have a good friend in another state, who is currently driving across two states, once a month, with fetal tissue, to go to a funeral home, and they have an arrangement to send out for cremation. But everything is a secret.
It’s safe to say these statements speak for themselves.