In my last post I talked about how you can distribute The Advocate to people in your community. Among the methods I listed, the person-to-person method is the most effective way to make sure someone is exposed to the life changing truth within The Advocate. Personal interaction can be challenging and intimidating so there are a couple of things you should keep in mind:
1. Location. Find a public place with lots of people. Open celebrations in the park, farmers’ markets, and college plazas are all good choices. Remember, if you are on public property – you have a right to be engaging in this protected first amendment activity.
2. Positioning. Place yourself at an intersection or corner with heavy foot traffic. Give yourself easy access to approach people who walk by, and be sure you are visible from a few yards away so you don’t startle anyone.
3. Demeanor. When you offer someone The Advocate, approach them deliberately and with confidence. Make eye contact as you greet them and keep a relaxed expression on your face. If you force a smile too strongly, it may look insincere.
4. Supplies. Hold a stack of 20-100 copies of The Advocate in one hand, and a single copy in the other, ready to hand to the next person you encounter. You may hold more than one in your free hand if there is a couple or small group approaching. Keep a box of extra copies on the ground nearby you when the stack you are holding runs out.
These tips will help you to distribute, but we hope that not only will people be reached by The Advocate, but by you as well. The Advocate will often be a life changing conversation starter and, when it is, there a few tips that can help you make sure the conversation stays on topic and impactful.
1. Introduction. Be confident and up-front when you introduce The Advocate to someone. Don’t be afraid to describe The Advocate from the beginning as a human-rights or pro-life magazine. You can also point out that it is the only by-students, for-students pro-life magazine in the country.
2. Focus on the Magazine. It’s easy to get drawn into a deep or complicated philosophical discussion of abortion with somebody. That is valuable and will probably happen, but before it does, be sure to present the unique content in The Advocate. The evidence within the magazine will help someone who is undecided on abortion begin to question it.
3. Listen. Ask the other person what they think, and listen carefully.
4. Be Respectful. Be calm, kind, and respectful. These things are essential to having a constructive dialogue.
5. Be Bold. Don’t be afraid to politely challenge someone to re-examine their own assumptions or beliefs about abortion.
As the conversation draws to an end, an important thing to keep in mind is that very rarely will you see a conversation lead to an immediate conversion. By giving someone The Advocate and discussing it with them you will be planting a seed of truth. As they leave and go on with their life we can only hope that will continue to think about what they read and heard. Not all seeds of truth blossom into a changed a person, but many do. We just need to make sure we plant enough seeds.
To see that the truth reaches those around you, sign up to become a distributor today!