Since the time I first discovered VirtueMedia, I have been incredibly impressed with and touched by the commercials put out by this pro-life organization. A number of years ago, I was in the beginning stages of the first Personhood campaign in Colorado. While watching TV with my family, a pro-life commercial popped on the screen. (Watch it here.) It was absolutely beautiful, and it couldn’t have fit the message of our campaign any better if we had planned it ourselves!
A series of people were looking at something you couldn’t see, exclaiming over how incredible this “thing” was. Then, the screen pulled to a shot of an unborn baby which was a combination of 3D ultrasound and another form of technology. This image was amazing! The commercial went on to talk about the “window to the womb” we have today and how we are able to see what we’ve been missing. This, I thought, is exactly the kind of pro-life commercials we need! It was touching, funny, beautiful, positive, human, and accurate – all at the same time.
Over the years, VirtueMedia has only exceeded expectations in the quality of commercials it puts out there. Take, for example, their “Hero” commercial:
The people at VirtueMedia describe the power of their work in their own words, and I couldn’t say it better myself:
VirtueMedia™ commercials have aired on broadcast and cable stations in over 1,500 cities throughout the U.S., as well as in many foreign countries. The results are nothing short of phenomenal, with thousands of babies saved from abortion and countless post abortive mothers offered hope and healing.
VirtueMedia™ pro-life campaigns are thoroughly researched prior to production, tracked during airing, and studied after each campaign to ensure that the maximum positive impact is achieved. The result? These powerful messages are making a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people and helping to serve as a positive, life-affirming influence in a troubled culture.
Educational advertising was the key to reducing prejudice, littering, drunk driving, and smoking… and educational advertising can help lead the way back to a culture of life in America. According to, in states that have aired pro-life educational ads over the past 10 years, abortion rates have decreased by 70 percent! It has to begin with us!
Needless to say, a decrease of 70% in abortion rates is more than incredible. This is the kind of work we need to be a part of, friends. Not only do positive, educational ads like VirtueMedia’s have an impact on state abortion rates, but they also lower local rates.
VirtueMedia™ ads also help reduce abortions in local communities. During the past years, VirtueMedia™’s pro-life messages have been credited as helping to reduce abortions by as much as 20% in cities like Charlotte and Dayton.
The number of people reached by these ads demonstrates the legitimacy and power behind VirtueMedia’s work. At the end of most commercials is a hotline number that women can call for help and more information.
In 2009, over 49,000 abortion vulnerable women responded to our national crisis pregnancy ads. Our national MTV and BET ad campaigns yield as many as 2,460 requests for help each day the ads air. …
In just one month, new ads on MTV and BET helped 22,000 women and babies!
Ready to get involved yet? This work is beyond exciting – it’s life-saving, without a doubt. Go here to see how you can donate or get involved as an individual or a church, right-to-life group, or pregnancy center. Watch more TV commercials and listen to radio commercials here. Want to find out more? Here’s a short video that explains VirtueMedia’s commercials and exactly how they work.