Live Action recently released a video as part of the Abortion Corporation series showing that Planned Parenthood doesn’t provide prenatal care. Even though Planned Parenthood affiliates advertised the service online, and representatives mentioned it publicly, almost no Planned Parenthood facilities provided it. In the Live Action investigation, callers repeatedly contacted Planned Parenthood facilities across the country and asked for prenatal care. Out of 97 facilities called, only five offered any type of service to mothers who wanted to have their babies.
When Live Action released the video above, Planned Parenthood affiliates began quietly removing advertising for prenatal care from their websites.
In an article in LifeNews, former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson recalls being told at a 2009 Planned Parenthood Annual Conference (attended by Planned Parenthood workers only) that prenatal care was to be eliminated as a service. Johnson’s abortion facility had never offered prenatal care, but Johnson knew of other affiliates that did. Johnson, who believed at the time that Planned Parenthood cared about women and wanted to meet their needs, was surprised to hear that prenatal care would no longer be offered. She soon found out why:
I had heard the [Planned Parenthood] Federation boast about its prenatal services when pro-life groups criticized us for the amount of abortions we provided. It turned out that PPFA decided to eliminate all Planned Parenthood Affiliates’ prenatal programs because “the prenatal patients were too cumbersome,” as a PPFA representative stated at our meeting. PPFA representatives went on to explain that women receiving prenatal care required too many visits, had too many questions, and simply called the clinic too many times.
Prenatal care was just too time-consuming. More money could be made doing abortions.
In 2014-2015, Planned Parenthood did only 0.97% of the nation’s pap smears. In the same time period, it did 1.8% of clinical breast exams. (These are manual exams, not mammograms.)
Planned Parenthood does not own a single mammogram machine and does 0% of the nation’s mammograms — yet Planned Parenthood commits more than 30 percent of the nation’s abortions.
Prenatal care is not offered at Planned Parenthood for pregnant women, but abortion most certainly is.