
Abortion clinic worker shows aborted babies to women for their ‘spiritual healing’

You don’t usually see abortion workers giving much significance to preborn babies. If you look at most abortion clinic websites (in fact, all abortion clinic websites that I’ve seen), you see words like “the pregnancy” used to describe the preborn babies the facility aborts.

For example, this is how one abortion clinic describes abortions performed up to 14 weeks:

14 weeks

14 weeks

The procedure begins with the gradual and gentle opening of the cervix by a series of narrow, tapered rods called dilators. The doctor will then insert into the uterus a small plastic tube that is attached to a suction machine, similar to the one dentists use to clear the mouth of saliva. The tube is moved within the uterus for a minute or two to remove all of the pregnancy tissue by gentle suction. During the aspiration, you may experience cramping that is similar to heavy menstrual cramps. The surgical abortion procedure generally takes about five to ten minutes to complete.

Move along folks. Nothing to see here but “pregnancy tissue” removed by “gentle suction.” The clinic gives no indication that this “pregnancy tissue” is actually a preborn baby with arms, legs, fingers, and toes as early as seven weeks after conception. The “pregnancy tissue” consists of torn off parts of the baby. At 14 weeks, every organ and body system is present. The baby breathes amniotic fluid and has her own unique fingerprints etched in her skin.

The blog Abortion Clinic Days has a post from a clinic worker who describes how her facility aided in the “spiritual resolution” of their patients’ abortions. Apparently, they feel that some women will be helped by bonding with their aborted baby. The clinic worker says:

Even though we do not advertise it, we are very open to patients’ wishes to begin the pathway to spiritual resolution.  we follow the patient’s lead and requests. That means that if a woman or her partner asks to spend time alone with her pregnancy tissue after the abortion, we are very agreeable to the request, provide a private room and either stay with the them if they’d like the counselor to do so, or leave them alone if they prefer.

One wonders why the women need to have a “spiritual resolution” and spend time alone with the “pregnancy tissue” in the first place.  I mean, you don’t see patients wanting to spend time alone with their removed appendix or their extracted wisdom teeth. Obviously, the clinic workers know that there’s a greater significance to aborted remains.

Despite the rhetoric that clinic workers and abortion supporters engage in, and the term “pregnancy tissue” used in the blog post, these clinic workers seem to know the truth – that the “pregnancy tissue” is really the remains of someone’s son or daughter.

The clinic worker describes one case of a woman getting “spiritual resolution”:

The other day a patient asked me if she could do just that, have time alone after the abortion with the pregnancy.  I entered the little room with her, made sure that she had what she needed including kleenex for tears and disposable gloves (although since it is her own tissue she does not have to use them) and then left her alone as she requested.

I had already provided her with some spiritual healing information that could help her to get started if she wanted, or she could say her own prayers or blessings.  I instructed her, as I always do, that I would wait outside the door and that she should open the door when she was finished and I would take her back to the recovery area.  After about 10 minutes, she exited the private room.  When she saw me, she threw her arms around me, hugged me and thanked me profusely.  I know that her road to internal peace had begun

Yes, seeing your own torn apart aborted baby apparently brings “internal peace.” The woman may have expressed gratitude at the time (though the clinic workers account seems highly subjective), but it’s easy to wonder if she’s going to spend the rest of her life with those images etched in her mind. I wonder how she’ll be doing 5, 10, or 20 years from now.

The clinic worker explains that the woman had not initially wanted to have an abortion:

She did not want to have an abortion but knew that she and her husband could not take care of another child.  She felt that she and god had moved to their own resolution, so the private prayer and goodbye was just for her, for her own heart.

Then the clinic worker talks about another woman who found “spiritual resolution”:

Immediately after her I was talking to another woman who described herself as a devout Catholic, one who attends a Catholic college where she goes to the chapel almost daily since she started there because, she said, she can only manage her heavy class load, young child, and job by daily prayer to god to give her the strength and courage to continue on each day.

A devout Catholic who goes to mass or to prayer (the article isn’t clear) in a chapel every day is having an abortion. This makes one wonder how many Christians, both Catholic and Protestant, active in their churches, choose abortion when things get difficult. And in this case, for this woman, things were very difficult:

When she found herself pregnant, she first said that she decided to continue the pregnancy and raise the child, but soon realized that it was impossible, that she would have to quit school and then the loan payments would start, probably stopping her from ever completing her education.

Baby’s life versus delayed education and money woes. Baby apparently loses.  Of course, there is no mention of adoption, which would have allowed her to stay in school.

The woman says that her Catholic faith helped her through the abortion:

She too felt that her close relationship with god helped her to feel that, after confession, she would be able to go on with her life, that god would want her to complete her schooling…

So confession would pretty much take care of it. But there’s one other thing the woman wanted the clinic to do for her:

What she wanted was not closure between her and god which she felt she was on her way to finding, but rather that her pregnancy be sent to god. I told her that she could view her tissue and say whatever prayers over it that she chose, but she said no that was not what she needed.

She then asked me if I would baptize the baby and I agreed to.  another staff person and I went to a private room, turned down the lights, then said the prayers together. Later I reported to the patient exactly what we had done.  She, too, was so grateful.  she took my hand and told me that it meant so much to her.  It was a good day, bringing peace to the women and to their pregnancies.

So, after violently killing the preborn baby by tearing her apart via suction or pulling off her arms and legs in a dismemberment abortion (we don’t know how far along this woman was or which procedure was used) the clinic worker then brought the child peace by baptizing him or her.  Apparently, she considers this a good day. She finishes the post by saying:

Even though I have been doing this work for a very long time, these situations never fail to move me.  I feel honored that these women (and men) have chosen to share their deepest, most private feelings with me. And even though I have done both of these things before,  I always retain the awareness of the potential life that these women have had to give up.  They know that we will treat the pregnancy as sacred and respect it.  because of that, I have experienced many treasured moments in my work.

Yes, it was indeed a good day – baptizing the remains of the baby they had just killed at the bequest of his or her (allegedly) devout Catholic mother. Apparently, this clinic worker slept well that night.

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