The D&E (dilation and evacuation) abortion, sometimes called “dismemberment” abortion, is typically done in the second trimester, between 13 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. According to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, the former research arm of Planned Parenthood, approximately 11.3% of abortions annually are done in the second and third trimesters. While that percentage may seem small, as Live Action News’ Carole Novielli reported, that comes out to the following in approximate numbers:
- 13-15 weeks (6.2%): 57,424
- 16-20 weeks (3.8%): approximately 35,195
- 21 weeks and greater (1.3%): approximately 12,040
That equates to 104,659 abortions done after the first trimester every single year in America. Watch as Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist, explains a second trimester D&E abortion in the video below:
Those who have assisted or committed D&E procedures describe the procedure below.
Abortionist Warren Hern:
We reach a point…where there is no possibility of denial of an act of destruction by the operator. It is before one’s eyes. The sensations of dismemberment flow through the forceps like an electric current….
Abortionist LeRoy Carhart:
[w]hen you pull out a piece of the fetus, let’s say, an arm or a leg and remove that, at the time just prior to removal of the portion of the fetus, … the fetus [is] alive.
READ: ‘Father of fetalogy’ describes fetal development
Former abortion nurse Brenda Pratt-Shafer:
Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabbed one of the fetal legs with his forceps. He clamped down hard and with a twisting and tearing motion, ripped the leg from the little body. He brought it out and threw it in the pan beside me. I stood in horror, as I looked at that little leg in the pan with perfectly formed toes! I had never seen such a small human body part.
The next time he went in, he tore off an arm with hands and little fingers! I could see the fetus on the ultrasound screen trying to get away from the forceps! Then I no longer saw the heartbeat on the ultrasound screen….
He continued to do this until he had all the extremities out and placed in the pan. He then snapped the fetal spine with the forceps…. I could see the jaws of the forceps open and close on the ultrasound screen as the abortionist tried to catch the bobbing head…. After crushing the head with the forceps, he then pulled it out and threw it in the pan with the rest of the baby parts.
Former abortion worker Catherine Adair:
Women in their 23rd week of pregnancy were lied to and told it was a simple ‘procedure.’
Nobody told them that they and their baby would be in agony as the doctor used forceps and sharp instruments to dismember their child, pulling and tugging until the baby was ripped apart and he could pull the body out, piece by piece.
The brain and organs of the babies were most likely rushed to a hospital nearby and used for ‘research.’ The mother was quickly sent on her way, never to be seen again.
Editor’s Note: If you are considering abortion, please contact OptionLine first for information on all your options, as well as tangible help and resources in your local area.