A former abortion worker admits in a 2011 book that abortion causes death — but justifies it anyway. Pro-abortion former abortion worker Linda Weber writes:
Women today, more than ever before, are acting in their own interests. We are searching to understand and take responsibility for the dimension of our lives that calls for us to end life in order to preserve and support Life.…
It is important to face the issue of death in abortion. There is no need to hide from the fact that death is part of the experience. Unfortunately, the political framework of abortion puts many of us who support legal abortion on the defensive with regard to the death involved.1
Weber is far from the only worker in the abortion industry to admit that abortion ends life. One Boston abortionist wrote:
I have the utmost respect for life; I appreciate that life starts early in the womb, but also believe that I’m ending it for good reasons…. [Y]es, I end life, but even when it’s hard, it’s for a good reason.
An anonymous abortion doctor admitted in the prestigious British Medical Journal, “I can now say openly that I do think I am ending a life every time I do an abortion…”
Abortionist Neville Sender was quoted as saying, “Of course, we know it’s killing, but the state permits killing in certain circumstances.”
A Canadian abortionist made the oddly worded statement, “If it was a pencil, it’s not a problem. It’s because we know what is a child, it is a problem, how a child will change a woman’s life.” She seems to acknowledge that abortion kills a “child.”
Another abortionist admits abortion takes a life, but will nevertheless commit an abortion for any reason:
I feel that abortion involves taking a human life… Having decided that taking a life by abortion is sometimes the lesser evil, I do not feel able to judge between one woman’s need and another – this would be completely unacceptable ethically.
Another abortionist made this shocking statement in the journal “Social Science & Medicine”:
[A]bortion is life and death and I think for me it’s about providers saying, “Yes we end lives here,” and being okay with that. … I had a woman wake up in the recovery room and say, “I just killed my baby.” And I said to her, “You did, and that’s okay.”
And abortionist Willie Parker admitted, in a debate with Dr. Mike Adams, “Abortion kills a human being, I agree.”
Weber goes on to claim that women have a hard time dealing with abortion because they fail to acknowledge that abortion is killing their child:
Much of the pain of abortion comes from the denial of death or the misinterpretation of the nature of that death. One of the reasons some of us have difficulty with abortion, and why the experience does not feel resolved, is because we deny that any death has occurred.
If we do acknowledge death, we might consider the death to be bad and believe that we are guilty of killing or murder.
That it could be possible for death in abortion to occur without killing, or that killing in life might be natural under certain circumstances, is almost impossible to understand in our current ways of thinking.2
The reason it is “almost impossible” to understand that causing death isn’t “killing,” is because words have meanings. According to the dictionary, the word “kill” means to “deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of.” Abortion clearly does this.
According to former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino, the abortion pill, also called RU-486, “blocks the action of a hormone called progesterone… When RU-46 blocks progesterone, the lining of the mother’s uterus breaks down, cutting off blood and nourishment to the baby who then dies inside the mother’s womb.”
Levatino describes a first-trimester surgical abortion this way:
The abortionist takes a suction catheter… It’s clear plastic, about 9 inches long and it has a hole through the center…The suction machine is then turned on with a force 10 to 20 times more powerful than your household vacuum cleaner. The baby is rapidly torn apart by the force of the suction and squeezed through this tubing down into the suction machine, followed by the placenta.
READ: These abortion activists admit abortion kills humans, but think it’s justified
A second-trimester D&E abortion, Levatino notes, is done with a clamp that has “narrow rows of sharp teeth.” He says:
The abortionist uses this clamp to grasp an arm or leg. Once he has a firm grip the abortionist pulls hard in order to tear the limb from the baby’s body. One by one the rest of the limbs are removed, along with the intestines, the spine, and the heart and lungs. Usually, the most difficult part of the procedure is extracting the baby’s head, which is about the size of a large plum at 20 weeks. The head is grasped and crushed.
Levatino describes an abortion in the third trimester:
On day one the abortionist uses a large needle to inject a drug called Digoxin… [A] high enough dosage of Digoxin will cause fatal cardiac arrest. The abortionist inserts the needle with the Digoxin through the woman’s abdomen or through her vagina and into the baby, targeting either the head, torso, or heart.
Clearly, all of these abortion procedures kill.
Weber says, “The choice to allow death to occur through abortion is an expression of women’s creative life-giving power in action.… For most women choosing to have an abortion is a loving, caring act.”3
Poisoning or dismembering a child is not a loving and caring act. Weber attempts to sugarcoat abortion, even as she admits that it’s ending life. Women who have abortions aren’t showing love to their children when they abort them. It should be self-evident that killing isn’t love.
Linda Weber Life Choices: The Teachings of Abortion (Boulder, CO: Sentient Publications, 2011) 24, 28
Linda Weber Life Choices, 28
, 28, 33
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