40 Days for Life, which mobilizes pro-lifers internationally to pray outside abortion facilities for an end to abortion has announced that two more industry workers have quit on day 29 of the latest 40 Days for Life campaign. This brings the total to 172 abortion workers who have left the industry during 40 Days for Life campaigns.
While 40 Days for Life does not release the names of the workers or the location of the facility at which they worked, they ask for prayers for them as they leave the industry and find new work.
According to the 40 Days for Life website, a woman called the helpline that a 40 Days for Life volunteer had displayed on a sign. She asked 40 Days for Life to pray for her daughter who worked at the facility and was seeking a new job. The mother expressed that her daughter no longer wanted to work at the facility “where cruel things happen.”
Within a few days, the woman called back to update 40 Days for Life, stating that her daughter had secured another job and was finally leaving the industry.
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The second abortion worker to leave on day 29 was one who had built a relationship with a pro-life sidewalk counselor. According to 40 Days for Life president Shawn Carney, the two began exchanging messages and soon, the worker had quit, telling the pro-lifer that there is good to be accomplished in the world, and the abortion facility was the wrong place to do that.
Along with this worker, a volunteer also quit the facility.
Pro-life sidewalk counselors are frequently cast as hateful people by the abortion industry which claims that pro-lifers only want to shame women. However, campaigns such as 40 Days for Life prove that many people in the industry benefit from the presence of sidewalk counselors, who often give them the reassurance to leave the industry as they stand outside abortion facilities praying in the wind, rain, and snow.
Groups such as And Then There Were None help former industry workers to secure jobs outside of the abortion industry and overcome the destruction that the business of abortion may have caused them emotionally and mentally.