“Nothing living should ever be treated with contempt. Whatever it is that lives, a man, a tree, or a bird, should be touched gently, because the time is short. Civilization is another word for respect for life…”
― Elizabeth Goudge, Green Dolphin Street
“Flush it.” If you read those words alone, you might assume that the “it” was a handful of toilet paper or a few strands of loose hair. Tragically, however, the “it” that’s being referred to in this quote is a 23-week-old human fetus.
“Flush it” was the reply from a NY clinician at a late-term abortion clinic who was asked by a pregnant Live Action reporter what should be done if the baby she was in the process of aborting came out unexpectedly. When asked about the baby possibly coming out on the floor, the clinician responds, “Yes, if anything, you know, we’ll tell you to put it in a bag or something somewhere and bring it to us.”
The dialogue can be read in detailed documents from Live Action’s newly released project, Inhuman: Undercover in America’s late term abortion industry.
Throughout the video footage, the clinician displays a complete lack of compassion for the pre-born child. The clinician casually laughs multiple times and talks about aborting a child as if it’s as routine as taking out the trash. When the Live Action reporter questions her about the child coming out, the clinician urges her to not focus on the details and “just do it.”
clinic-3: Well, because it’s more like tissue, so once you start sucking, it’s like tissue, they start—
woman: Oh, OK.
clinic-3: Falling apart.
woman: Oh, OK. Yeah.
clinic-3: I mean I don’t know why you want to know all this! Just do it!
woman: Yeah. Yeah.
clinic-3: (Laughter)
“Just do it”? Really? This isn’t a shoe company persuading you to buy sneakers to run around your block. This is a clinician advising a woman to allow her unborn child to be sucked apart, torn into pieces, removed by a “doctor,” placed in a jar with deathly fluids and transferred as a “specimen” to a lab where they can weigh “it” to make sure all the pieces are there and no arms or legs have been left inside the patient. Is this something you should really “[j]ust do”? It’s not about how much a woman is “counseled” before she makes a decision like this. No amount of counsel or a pep talk from a clinic worker is sufficient to prepare a woman for an act such as this.
When the Live Action reporter inquires about what would take place if the child was born alive, the clinician assures her that any signs of breathing or twitching would be stopped.
woman: Like, what if it was like, like what if it was like twitching or like something like that? Like?
clinic-3: The solution will make it stop.
woman: OK. OK.
clinic-3: (Laughter) It’s not gonna be moving around in the jar.
woman: Oh, OK, the solution would make it like—
clinic-3: Yeah. That’s the whole purpose of the solution.
woman: OK. so, like, if it looked like it was breathing or something like that—
clinic-3: It will automatically stop. It won’t be able to breathe anymore. Not in the, not with the solution.
The clinician sums it up by bluntly saying:
clinic-3: No! Once we start this, we have to finish it.
I have empathy for the clinician in this video. I don’t think she’s an evil woman. Rather, I think she’s a woman caught up in an industry that performs evil acts. Working in such a place has caused her heart to become desensitized to the violence of abortion.
In Fredrick Douglass’s autobiography, he tells a story about one of his master’s wives, whose loving heart became cold. Over time, the power she was given through slavery corrupted her heart. She once saw Douglass a person; later, he was just property in her eyes. The same erosion of morality takes place in the abortion industry. How can we as a nation stomach any more of this barbaric and gruesome behavior?
What’s more unbelievable than the cruelty that’s shown in these late-term abortion clinics is the way some media outlets seek to justify it. Jeremy Holden, director of research at Media Matters, released an article in which he argues that late-term abortions are “rare” are therefore shouldn’t be given this much attention.
Jeremy states:
The overwhelming majority of abortions performed in the United States — 90 percent — occur during the first trimester, according to researchers at the Guttmacher Institute. Note that while Live Action is currently focused on late-term procedures, their stated goal is “ending abortion.”
Holden quotes Amanda Marcotte, who assumes that since third-trimester abortions are about 1% of all abortions performed, the “anti-choice movement” focuses on them to create disgust.
Quite frankly, I’m a little amazed that Holden has a problem with Live Action focusing on abortion procedures that are done 1% of the time. Isn’t that exactly what the pro-abortion advocates do when they use rape and incest cases to lobby for abortion access? Like my mom used to say, it’s the “pot calling the kettle black.”
Ryan Bomberger, director of the Radiance Foundation, is a man who was born out of rape. He says this in an article for LifeNews:
Less than 1% of abortions are a result of rape, incest or protecting the physical health of the mother. Yet liberal media attacks on Richard Mourdock, Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, Ann Marie Buerkle, Star Parker, Michele Bachmann, Dr. Alveda King, Charmaine Yoest, and other publicly prolife leaders have one goal: to justify 100% of abortions. In that process, the media and its abortion allies obscure what we’re actually talking about—human life.
Holden isn’t upset that pro-lifers are highlighting abortions that fall into the 1% category. If he were truly against that, then he’d have to call out the liberal media when they do the same. What Holden is really upset about is the fact the inconceivable gruesome practices of late term-abortion are being exposed to the public.
Holden, Marcotte, and pro-abortion supporters like them refuse to acknowledge the reality of abortion being an act of murder. Amanda Marcotte can refer to late-term abortions being “disgusting,” but that’s as far as it goes. Disgusting is crushing a bug under your shoe. Morally appalling and inhuman is tearing apart a viable baby in the womb and disposing of him like a piece of lab tissue. I don’t care if it’s 1% or one child; it’s still an injustice that must be stopped. If you don’t think it’s harmful to women, just ask Desiree Hawkins, the woman who was contacted by a Drug Enforcement Administration agent when it was discovered that abortionist Kermit Gosnell had a jar with her dead child’s feet in his office.
The stories from Gosnell’s clinic and the Inhuman footage from NY and D.C. are hard to stomach. It makes you wonder what’s really happening in late-term abortion clinics across our country. We should be horrified at practices that violently destroy life for financial gain. Late-term abortion is a barbaric act. A nation that justifies this level of cruel behavior is not as civilized as we think.