According to our vice president, Planned Parenthood cannot legally perform abortions. Watch his statement, made earlier today in Wisconsin:
If only! It would be great if Planned Parenthood couldn’t perform a single additional abortion. Clearly, though, last time I checked, abortion is a booming business at Planned Parenthood. This over-the-top gaffe by Biden leaves us with a few questions:
1) Does he actually not know his facts?
2) Is he lying?
3) Did he just hugely misspeak?
4) Was he trying to make Ryan and Romney appear extreme by pretending that their goal to defund Planned Parenthood has nothing to do with stopping the taxpayer funding of abortion?
4) How many people in the crowd actually knew he was wrong?
While Biden’s comment was wholly inaccurate, I think the final question is the most important. According to a recent study conducted by Students for Life of America, 48% of college students are not aware that Planned Parenthood provides abortions. In addition, only 40% of those students who view Planned Parenthood in a positive light know about the abortion business.
No wonder so many people are offended that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan want to defund Planned Parenthood. The abortion giant has done an effective job – with Biden’s help – marketing itself as a women’s health center. Who wants to leave poor women out to dry? Who wants to deny cancer screenings or physical exams to needy women? Leave out the fact that Planned Parenthood exaggerates (and lies about) its services, and you can understand why your average college student and uninformed voter thinks Planned Parenthood is a good idea.
As Students for Life states:
In the study, respondents’ favorability towards Planned Parenthood was a strong indicator of whether they believed the organization to be an abortion provider. Those who were unfavorable towards Planned Parenthood were much more likely than its supporters to know about their abortion services (69% to 40%). If we are going to succeed in putting the abortion Goliath out of business, defunding taxpayer money and reducing market demand, we must step up our efforts to educate Planned Parenthood’s clientele about their deceptive business model.
If we can do our job and expose Planned Parenthood for what the organization truly is – a money-hungry abortion giant – its favorability will greatly decrease. We’ve already seen this happen, as Planned Parenthood has lost over $60,000,000 in state taxpayer funding recently. Even Nancy Keenan of NARAL has realized that this new generation’s pro-choicers are not intensely pro-choice. When the facts are presented, many young people move to the pro-life side and embrace the truth.
The truth is that Planned Parenthood is a violent organization. Its people execute the most vulnerable and innocent children every single day. They harm women and cause irreparable harm and death. They are the leaders of the biggest genocide this world has ever seen. They receive over $487,000,000 in government funding; nearly half (46%) of their income is from the taxpayers. Planned Parenthood has built “abortionplexes” in Stapleton, Colorado; Houston, Texas; and outside Chicago, Illinois for the purpose of killing more babies more efficiently. The truth should make us sick. We must expose it – purposefully.
Instead of floating fake facts like “Planned Parenthood can’t perform abortions,” Vice President Biden needs to get in touch with the real truth.