The office of the California Attorney General searched the apartment of David Daleiden (the head of the Center for Medical Progress) yesterday. Kamala Harris’ office seized Daleiden’s personal information, as well as all the video footage from the undercover investigation CMP did into Planned Parenthood.
While it’s hardly a surprise that the pro-abortion Attorney General would order this raid, it still reeks of politics as Planned Parenthood helped fund her campaign to be the state attorney general.
On the CMP Facebook page, Daleiden issued a statement Tuesday:
Today, the California Attorney General’s office of Kamala Harris, who was elected with tens of thousands of dollars from taxpayer-funded Planned Parenthood, seized all video footage showing Planned Parenthood’s criminal trade in aborted baby parts, in addition to my personal information. Ironically, while seizing my First Amendment work product, they ignored documents showing the illicit scheme between StemExpress and Planned Parenthood. This is no surprise–Planned Parenthood’s bought-and-paid-for AG has steadfastly refused to enforce the law against the baby body parts traffickers in our state, or even investigate them–while at the same time doing their bidding to harass and intimidate citizen journalists. We will pursue all remedies to vindicate our First Amendment rights.
Harris, a Democrat who is running for the U.S. Senate, is an adamant supporter of Planned Parenthood. Harris’ campaign website includes a petition that urges her supporters to defend the abortion giant:
The Los Angeles Times reported on the raid, noting that “there are political stakes on both sides of the issue.” And Vicki Saporta, the CEO of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), said:
[Daleiden’s] actions are not without consequences…. The only one that engaged in criminal activity in this scheme was Daleiden.
NAF seems to forget the fact that since people now have their eyes opened to what actually happens to aborted babies, they are, rightfully, criticizing the abortion industry. All Americans have a First Amendment right to free speech to speak out against the abortion industry’s horrific actions.
Daleiden, too, as an undercover journalist has First Amendment rights; however, the abortion industry, including its politicians – such as Harris – care more about protecting their sacred abortion cow than they do about discovering the truth. NAF and other abortion groups blame things such as the Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting on pro-lifers; however, those types of incidents come from lone criminals who are clearly not pro-life.
The search of Daleiden’s apartment proves the political and rhetorical power of the abortion industry. It has fueled the fire of paranoia, and has obviously swayed political leaders to join the industry in a witch hunt against those who are fighting for life.
From the outset of the videos’ release, Harris has said she thinks it’s CMP who should be investigated rather than Planned Parenthood. Harris, whose name was bounced around as a possible Supreme Court nominee after Justice Antonin Scalia died, has received multiple donations from Planned Parenthood.
CrowdPAC reports that Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has donated $11,000 to Harris as well. Indeed, Harris’ re-election campaign saw decent chunks of cash coming in from both Planned Parenthood and Trump, as well as a myriad of other places such as the Walt Disney Company and Pepsico. Harris certainly didn’t lack in finance for her re-election, but clearly her wealth of donors did not ensure her integrity in public service.
The Times reports:
Harris, who is running for the Democratic nomination for the U.S. Senate, recently faced increasing criticism for taking no public action. That pressure coincided with Planned Parenthood’s own civil lawsuit in federal court accusing Daleiden of fraud and invasion of privacy.
Daleiden has vowed to fight all charges against him and maintains he has acted as a citizen journalist who is entitled to his free speech rights. Free speech is something the California Attorney General has yet to understand.