Two of abortionist Kermit Gosnell‘s former employees were sentenced today by Philadelphia Judge Benjamin Lerner. One of the employees was sentenced to prison, and the other to probation.
Lynda Williams, whom Gosnell trained to administer anesthesia and assist in abortions, was sentenced to 5-10 years in prison after pleading guilty to two counts of third-degree murder.
During Gosnell’s trial last year, Williams testified against him, describing how he trained her to commit infanticide by snipping the necks of fully-formed children born alive at Gosnell’s “house of horrors” abortion mill. “It jumped, the arm,” she said of one baby’s reaction to her snipping its neck.
Williams, who reportedly dropped out of high school in the ninth grade, fit the profile of a typical Gosnell employee who was poorly educated and willing to break the law in order to keep her job.
Judge Lerner also sentenced 48-year-old former receptionist Tina Baldwin to 30 months of probation. According to the Inquirer, Baldwin pled guilty to, “sustaining a corrupt organization, conspiracy, and corrupting a minor.”