It’s no secret that Barack Obama is proud to be openly supported by the president of Planned Parenthood, America’s abortion giant. On both the Women for Obama campaign site and, you can find this headline: “Cecile Richards has President Obama’s back.” Another post claims, “NARAL Pro-Choice America has the President’s back.”
In the posted video of Ms. Richards, she inaccurately claims that Mitt Romney is putting politics between women and their access to health care. Such claims are typical of abortion advocates. They like to throw around their disproportionate rhetoric that pro-lifers are all about getting the government in between women and their doctors. Nope. Pro-lifers fully believe that women, like men, should have equal access to health care and that women should be able to make private decisions regarding their own health care with their doctors.
But this has nothing to do with abortion. Abortion is not a “health care decision,” no matter how often it’s painted that way. Just as slavery was never an economic issue and anti-Semitism was never a patriotic issue, abortion is not genuinely about health care. All of these issues are about depriving an innocent – and often silent – person of his or her equal right to life. Private health care decisions are decisions that cover you and your body. It’s not private health care to kill a third party who has no say in the matter. Pro-abortion rhetoric boils down to blatant lies and misinformation campaigns. And Planned Parenthood’s president is, you could say, guilty as sin for lying to women who trust her.
Moving on from pro-abortion rhetoric, let’s evaluate what it means for Planned Parenthood and NARAL to “have the president’s back.” Could it be any more obvious that President Obama is bought by special interest groups? We already know that Cecile Richards was a top adviser on ObamaCare’s contraceptive mandate. We already know that the president chose and continues to stand by a close friend of Planned Parenthood, Kathleen Sebelius, as his Health and Human Services secretary. We already know about his video, openly supporting Planned Parenthood. We recently saw how he was willing to go so far as to speak out against PRENDA (the legislation that would have banned sex-selection abortion), in league with Planned Parenthood, who lobbied against it.
To “have the president’s back.” A loaded phrase – one that apparently includes using $1.4 million to take out campaign ads to help re-elect President Obama. One point four million that almost certainly wouldn’t be freely available if Planned Parenthood didn’t perform 329,455 abortions and if the federal government didn’t give out over $487.4 million in our tax dollars to Planned Parenthood. A nice tradeoff, yes? Spend $1.4 million (and probably more) to elect a president who will give you free rein to do whatever you want – including support abortions for sex-selection; speak out in blatant, unashamed support of you; put nice words like “health care” on your death practices; and, to top it all off, fund you with almost $500 million in tax dollars. Nice trade, indeed.
Has America ever had such a pro-abortion president? Has any president ever so blatantly flaunted his extreme abortion policies in the face of the nation he was elected to serve and protect? Has any president ever made it so obvious where his true loyalties lie? America, do you really want a president who has the back of abortion giants who, in turn, have his back?
In the video below, designed by NARAL Pro-Choice America, President Obama proclaims about women are “half of this country. And they’re perfectly capable of making their own choices about their health.”
Indeed, Mr. President. But women are “half of this country” only if you are including female children and babies in your equation. Since your own White House policy requires that a pregnant mother count her unborn child as a separate visitor, evidence would dictate that all of these visitors who happen to be female should also be counted in your “half of the country” claim. I think it’s pretty clear that these unborn women would make a certain first choice about their health: the choice to be born.
President Obama, stop your war on women in the womb. America, when you cast your vote, think about just who it is that has this president’s back.