Fall is a season of change. It brings new color to leaves, the start of another semester, and the return of The Walking Dead on AMC. However, walkers aren’t the only ones who stumble back on to cable in the autumn months. As Congress returns from its summer break, political pundits, commentators, and activists of every stripe are spotted with increasing regularity as well.
![Walking Dead](/news/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Walking-Dead.jpg)
“Keep your eyes peeled–I saw William Randolph Hearst out here yesterday.”
“Pro-choice” commentators are among those who take to the airwaves, and according to them, pro-lifers have declared a “War on Women.” The charge is puzzling for two reasons. First, many pro-life organizations (including Live Action) are led by women. Second, even if we wanted to see women get hurt, why would we need to wage a war against them? Abortion fans are already doing that, and they don’t need much help.
A successful military campaign usually involves demoralizing the enemy, and the War on Women is no different. In an article called “The Ten Slut Commandments,” abortion enthusiast Christian McQueen demonstrates how to capitalize on emotional damage when one is exploiting, mistreating, and generally dehumanizing “sluts” (sadly, the article contains no Douchebag Commandments).
After reviewing the various methods of playing on a woman’s pain and insecurities, McQueen addresses the possibility that a reader may very well impregnate one of his targets. “In a perfect world,” you wouldn’t need to deal with this hassle, but McQueen acknowledges that it’s just one of the dangers associated with “f*cking a slut.” Thankfully, it’s not too big of an issue if you follow McQueen’s helpful advice and “convince her to have an abortion.” Of course, McQueen isn’t unique in demanding that his children be sliced, ripped, or poisoned to death when he’s finished denigrating their mothers. Tucker “Baby Killer” Max has made a career out of it, writing that, “Due to the potent combination of my sexual recklessness and the slutty nature of some of the girls I have slept with, I have accumulated enough stories and anecdotes about abortion that they could name a Planned Parenthood clinic after me.”
Psychological destruction is obviously an important component of the War on Women, but sometimes a more hands-on approach is required, and many abortion devotees aren’t afraid to step up. One such champion of choice was Michael Panagapko, who attacked pro-life demonstrator Faye Arellano with a knife as she stood peacefully holding a sign in Toronto, Canada. Panagapko was brave enough to act in the open, but others opt for a lower profile. According to one survey, more than fifty percent of women who have abortions say that they were pressured into it, with some even being stabbed or kidnapped and threatened with guns. Given that violence happens with mundane frequency in the abortion business, the phrase “right to choose” often means, “do it or I’ll hurt you.”
![Embryotomy Scissors abortion](/news/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/Embryotomy-Scissors-300x199.jpg)
Planned Parenthood: Helping girls…to come out in pieces.
In addition to emotional trauma and physical abuse, abortion providers now offer another useful technique in the War on Women: gendercide. Charitably known as “gender selective abortion” (“killing your daughter” just doesn’t have the same ring), it’s common in countries where a girl lacks the cultural value of a boy. Seeing this as a problem, some in Asia have attempted to crack down it. Thankfully, however, the North American abortion industry is more than ready to lend a hand and a set of forceps to those in need: reports show that Canada has become “a haven” for those seeking abortions based on the sex of a baby, as has the US. When the state of Arizona passed legislation banning this practice, the law was (of course) opposed by Planned Parenthood. This isn’t surprising, as Live Action has video footage proving that Planned Parenthood has staff who are perfectly willing to help dispose of an unwanted baby girl.
In light of how serious abortion advocates are about spreading carnage and destruction, any efforts by pro-lifers to target women seem downright pathetic by comparison. They mostly center around providing support for pregnant women, extending education opportunities, and helping those who have been victimized by abuse and coercion. Offering to adopt children in need of loving homes seems to factor into the strategy as well, although that’s not an easy task given that there’s a shortage of infants and long lines of eligible couples.
If offering shelter and concern represents an attempt by pro-lifers to harm women, then we clearly need to bring our game up. Fortunately, we don’t have to look far for an example, as the pro-abortion crowd is skilled at attacking females, and they’ve left plenty of blood, bruises, and tears behind to prove it. For some reason, however, they just won’t take credit for their work.