In Congress, a bill has been introduced by 80 representatives to defund Planned Parenthood. Representative Diane Black – a pro-life woman – is the leader and head sponsor. She explains why this bill is necessary:
This legislation would simply clarify the original intent and spirit of the law to ensure that Title X federal funded grants will no longer be awarded to “health care” providers that fail to protect life by providing abortions.
Simply put, the original intent of the law Representative Black is referring to is this: if you want federal money – the taxpayer’s money – you can’t participate in killing innocent children. And indeed, that’s exactly the standard government should have. Money should not be freely – and copiously, in the example of Planned Parenthood – handed out to those who profit from the intentional, cruel murder of children who cannot defend themselves.
And yet, what does Planned Parenthood cry? “Politically motivated attacks!” “Anti-women’s health bill!”
Well, yes, I suppose if you believe that mothers should have the unrestricted right to kill their babies before birth – for any reason at all under the sun – restricting abortion is opposed to the illegitimate rights you claim for them. But, in the same way, restricting the Nazi deportation and mass killing of Jews would have been “anti-German.” When a group of people claims an illegitimate right to violently kill another group of people, it is perfectly correct and humane to be “anti” that “right.”
As far as “politically motivated”? Wow, Ms. Richards. If we want to talk “politically motivated,” let’s talk about how you took a leave from Planned Parenthood in 2012 to campaign full-time for President Obama. Or how Planned Parenthood bought a $1.4 million ad buy for him. Of course, you had to buy him off and make sure he remained in your corner. The vote on the 20 week abortion ban coming up in Congress may very well hinge on President Obama’s veto.
And there’s no way you want to lose your power and ability to murder unborn babies who feel pain, many of whom can survive on their own outside the womb.
So yeah, let’s talk “politically motivated.”
Here’s the difference: pro-life Representatives are “politically motivated” to save the lives of an innocent group of people who have been subjected to a mass killing for over forty years now while Planned Parenthood, on the other hand, is “politically motivated” to keep the $528 million in taxpayer funding received just last year. (That amount, by the way, comes out to $1.4 million per day to pay America’s abortion giant.)
“Politically motivated” indeed.
Representative Black’s bill to defund Planned Parenthood of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars would deal a death blow to the organization, economically speaking. Of course, Planned Parenthood would object.
But it’s time for America to choose – do we really want to fund the cruel killing of over one million innocent children each and every year? Or is it high time we stripped our monetary support from Planned Parenthood?
Continuing to subsidize abortion with our own money is perhaps the greatest human rights travesty in our nation’s history.