Planned Parenthood just released its 2018-2019 annual report and it reveals that the organization has now committed its highest number of abortions on record while also receiving more taxpayer funding than any other year on record.
Former Planned Parenthood president Leana Wen admitted it was the organization’s overwhelming desire to focus on abortion rather than broaden its role in providing actual health care which led to her departure. So it comes as no surprise that abortion is again revealed as the top focus of Planned Parenthood, according to its 2018 numbers:
- In 2018, Planned Parenthood committed 345,672 abortions — the highest committed by the corporation in recent years, increasing nearly four percent (3.88%) from 2017‘s 332,757 abortions, and 3.51% from 2011 (333,964).
- In the past ten years, abortions at Planned Parenthood have risen nearly seven percent (6.67%) from 324,008 in 2008 to 345,672 in 2018.
The corporation has long (and falsely) claimed that abortions make up just three percent of its services, a claim that has been debunked multiple times. Planned Parenthood’s abortion market share currently stands at 40% when compared to the most recent data from the Guttmacher Institute for 2017. That means Planned Parenthood alone commits 40% of all the abortions in the United States. This number may increase after the Guttmacher Institute releases new national abortion statistics.
Since 2000, Planned Parenthood has committed over 5.6 million abortions. An analysis by Live Action News found that in 2017, the corporation’s estimated abortion revenue reached nearly $200 million ($190.3), totaling 52% of its non-government health services revenue. An updated summary of PP’s 2018 abortion revenue will be published soon.
Government Funding and Private Donations
In 2018, Planned Parenthood reported receiving its highest number of taxpayers dollars to date, writing, “The report groups revenue by source (either government or non-government) rather than the manner of disbursement (income versus grants and contracts). Payments from Medicaid managed care plans are listed as ‘Government Health Services Reimbursements & Grants“ to reflect the ultimate source of the funds.'”
- Taxpayer dollars to PP increased by nine percent (9.4%), from $563.8 million in 2017 to $616.8 million in taxpayer dollars (highest amounts recorded in recent years) in 2018.
- Private donations, although significant, fell 6 percent (6.26%) from $630.8 million in 2017 to $591.3 million in 2018.
- In the past ten years, taxpayer dollars to PP have increased nearly 70 percent (69.82%) from $363.2 million in 2008 to $616.8 million in taxpayer dollars in 2018.
- Planned Parenthood receives nearly $1.7 million dollars every day from U.S. taxpayers.
- In 2018, PP’s total revenue exceeded $1.6 billion.
- PP’s net assets for 2018 totaled nearly $2 billion.
Excess Abortion Revenue
In 2017, Planned Parenthood collected a whopping $244.8 million in “excess revenue over spending.” But Planned Parenthood’s most recent report fails to reveal what what this figure was in 2018. Live Action News has documented that almost every year since 2000, Planned Parenthood’s revenue has exceeded its expenses by tens of millions of dollars.
In 2019, Planned Parenthood voluntarily walked away from $60 million in federal Title X family planning tax dollars rather than comply with a reasonable rule put in place by the Trump administration which required Title X recipients to keep its abortion services and facilities separate from its Title X birth control facilities and staff.
Facilities and Patients
While Planned Parenthood bills itself as a health care provider for women, the organization’s male clients are a growing segment. Planned Parenthood’s published client (male/female) numbers remained the same in 2018 at 2.4 million, despite declining nearly 23 percent (22.58%) from the 3.1 million served in 2006, and 20 percent from the 3 million clients they claimed just ten years ago in 2008.
While Planned Parenthood’s patient numbers are steadily declining, federally funded health centers – as identified by the federal Health Resources and Services Administration – served over 28 million patients in 2018 alone. Between 2008 and 2018 (865 v 600) the organization shuttered nearly 265 centers despite once operating 900 facilities.
Contraception and STI Services
STI testing increased 5 percent (5.25%) from 4,712,985 in 2017 to 4,960,598 in 2018. In the past ten years (2008 to 2018) STI testing rose 33.3 percent (3,721,336 to 4,960,598), the highest reported in recent years.
- Contraception services, however, decreased two percent (2.46%) from 2,620,867 in 2017 to 2,556,413 in 2018.
- In the past ten years, (3,813,875 in 2008 to 2,556,413 2018) contraception services have decreased nearly 33 percent (32.97%).
- In particular, emergency contraception services decreased 6 percent between 2007 and 2018 and nearly 59 percent (58.68%) over the past ten years from 1,436,808 in 2008 to 593,586 in 2018.
- Since 2009, Planned Parenthood’s contraception services have fallen 36 percent (36.24%) from a high of 4,009,549.
Total Services
- Total services rose one percent (1.39%) from 9,687,070 in 2017 to 9,821,548 in 2018, dropping 13 percent (13.72%) from a high of 11,383,900 in 2009.
- In the past ten years, total services at Planned Parenthood have fallen 10 percent (10.25%) from 10,943,609 in 2008 to 9,82,1548 in 2018.
Cancer screenings
- Pap tests decreased nearly seven percent (6.73%) from 274,145 in 2017 to 255,682 in 2018, but fell 78 percent (78.40%) from a high of 1,183,692 in 2004.
- In the past 10 years, pap tests have decreased 72 percent (72.08%), falling from 915,716 in 2008 to 255,682 in 2018.
- Breast exams (PP doesn’t do mammograms) decreased nearly 11 percent (10.56%) from 296,310 in 2017 to 265,028 in 2018, and nearly 76 percent (75.61%) from a high of 1,086,654 in 2000.
- In the past ten years, breast exams have fallen nearly 68 percent (67.92%) from 826,197 in 2008 to 265,028 in 2018.
- Other diagnostic services, which include biopsies, samplings, ablations, and other gynecological surgeries, rose slightly from 5,963 in 2017 to 6,230 in 2018 but dropped 13 percent (13.28%) from 7,184 in 2015 when the category was added.
- HPV treatments rose from 19,705 in 2017 to 20,588 in 2018 but have dropped nearly 66 percent (65.72%) from a high of 60,064 in 2008.
- Total cancer screenings dropped nearly eight percent (7.84%) from the previous year (614,361 in 2017 to in 566,186 2018), falling nearly 74 percent (73.76%) from a high of 2,157,849 in 2004. In past ten years, (1,849,691 in 2008 to 566,186 in 2018) cancer screenings have dropped 69 percent (69.39%).
Prenatal Care and Adoption
Planned Parenthood performed 1,074,952 pregnancy tests in 2017 and 1,079,613 in 2018.
- Prenatal care actually increased eight percent (8.20%) from 9,055 in 2017 to 9,798 in 2018 and nearly four percent (3.87%) in past ten years (9,433 in 2008 to 9,798 in 2018) — but has dropped 68 percent (68.49%) from a high of 31,098 in 2010.
- After years of consistent declines, adoption referrals increased 51 percent (51.15%) from 2,831 in 2017 to 4,279 in 2018. This represents an increase of nearly 78 percent (77.92%) in the past ten years (2,405 in 2008 in to 4,279 in 2018) but nearly 13 percent (12.89%) decline from a high of 4,912 in 2007.
It should be noted that what constitutes “prenatal care” and “adoption referrals” at Planned Parenthood is not disclosed. See below for more from former PP facility manager, Sue Thayer:
Miscarriage Care and Well-Woman Services
Planned Parenthood’s recently added categories of miscarriage care and well-woman exams also saw changes.
- Miscarriage care totaled 1,731 in 2017 but rose to the highest number so far of 2,236 in 2018. Live Action News has previously documented the effort to conflate abortion with miscarriage. In addition, we previously reported how the abortion lobby is advising women who self-abort and have complications to present to the ER claiming to have a miscarriage. No wonder Planned Parenthood has added categories like miscarriage care and miscarriage management to its list of “services.” Some of these services involve surgically completing an abortion when the abortion pill fails to do the job completely.
- Well-woman exams dropped two percent (1.70%) from 216,722 in 2017 to 213,042 in 2018 and nine percent (9.48%) from 235,355 in 2016.
- Overall, the non-specific catch-all, “Other Women’s Health Services” increased slightly from 1,302,460 in 2017 to 1,304,689 in 2018.
Planned Parenthood has been embroiled in numerous scandals, abuses and fraud, including covering up for child sexual predators. Disgruntled employees have described a toxic work environment and pregnancy discrimination there. In 2019, Planned Parenthood doubled down on its commitment to focus on its most profitable “service” — abortion — by releasing a “master plan” detailing its effort to expand, not reduce, abortions.
To date, Planned Parenthood commits nearly 81 abortions for every one adoption referral. In addition, it commits over 35 abortions for every prenatal care referral. While Planned Parenthood receives nearly $1.7 million dollars a day from U.S. taxpayers, it ends the lives of 947 preborn babies every day, at a rate of 39 per hour, or one abortion every 91 seconds.
Analyses of previous annual Planned Parenthood numbers can be found at the links below:
- 2007 to 2017
- 2006 to 2016 (here and here)
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