Notorious late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart recently closed down his facility in Germantown, Maryland, which had been purchased by a pro-life organization, Maryland Coalition for Life. Carhart was forced to move to a new location, and is now opening a new facility in Bethesda. It will be located in a multi-tenant medical building, and he will continue performing abortions through all nine months of pregnancy.
But the question is, how can Carhart possibly be allowed to continue practicing?
LeRoy Carhart is a dangerous abortionist, who has no admitting privileges at any hospital, who has injured and killed multiple patients, and who has engaged in unsafe, unethical, and inappropriate behavior with his patients. And that’s not even considering how many preborn children he has violently killed.
In a speech to the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, Carhart once said, “We’re not asking for the right to suck the brains out of every child that walks down the street; we need to continue to offer safe abortions to women who need them to be done.” But for Carhart, “safe” abortions involve committing partial-birth abortions and dismembering babies limb from limb while they are still alive. These abortions aren’t “safe” for the baby, and they’re not safe for the mother, either. The fact that Carhart has botched so many abortions, injured multiple women, and killed at least two, proves that. Yet he strenuously fought laws banning the partial-birth abortion (D&X or intact D&E) procedure.
Carhart views life cavalierly. He has stated that human life begins when the mother thinks it begins. And in Live Action’s Inhuman investigation, Carhart was featured in an undercover video, comparing preborn babies to “meat in a slow cooker,” joking about his “abortion toolkit,” and admitting that he committed late-term abortions on healthy mothers, who were carrying healthy babies.
In the video, Carhart admitted that he had a patient who died. He misrepresented the circumstances, though, and denied killing a second patient. In short, he lied.
The first patient Carhart killed was 19-year-old Christin Gilbert, a young woman with Down syndrome who had been raped. At the time, Carhart was working at George Tiller’s abortion facility in Kansas, where Gilbert was taken. Her baby was given a fatal shot of digoxin to the heart, and then Carhart inserted laminaria into her cervix to begin the dilation process. She was then sent to a hotel with her family to wait for the delivery of her dead baby. She ended up delivering the baby in the van on the way back to the abortion facility. Still, Carhart performed a D&C on her, and then gave her RU-486, which is not approved for late-term abortions. Gilbert and her family were sent back to their hotel room.
Within 24 hours, Gilbert had become septic. Instead of treating her properly, though, the facility staff simply gave her fluids and sent her away again. By that evening, she was vomiting, fainting, and bleeding. One of Carhart’s staffers came, put Gilbert into a warm bath, then left again. Carhart himself never showed. The next morning, Gilbert fainted and could not be woken up; her family was instructed to bring her to the clinic again. She woke up once at the clinic, then fainted again. Staffers called 911, but would not give any information about the situation, keeping 911 on hold for over a minute while consulting with Carhart about what to do and say. This entire time, Gilbert was unresponsive. When paramedics arrived, Carhart was on top of Gilbert, trying to force fluids from her stomach, but was already lying in “huge amounts” of blood and fluid. Once Gilbert was finally taken to the hospital, she was found to be bleeding out of every single orifice. She died, after suffering for days due to Carhart’s negligence and apathy.
The second patient Carhart killed was Jennifer Morbelli, who had a late-term abortion after her preborn baby was diagnosed with a fetal anomaly that causes seizures. Her baby girl, named Madison, was given a fatal shot of digoxin into the heart. Morbelli then left with her family, returning the next day to begin dilating her cervix. She was then expected to deliver Madison’s body over the next two days, but like Gilbert, Morbelli quickly began deteriorating. On Tuesday, she looked considerably weaker, and by Wednesday, and was ashen and lethargic. Nine hours after that, she delivered Madison’s body. But by Thursday, Morbelli began experiencing chest pains. Carhart remained unavailable. Her family took her to the hospital, where staffers tried to get in touch with Carhart to get details about the abortion procedure, but he gave no assistance. It turned out that Carhart had ruptured Morbelli’s uterus, allowing amniotic fluid to flow into her bloodstream, which meant that it was impossible for her blood to clot. Morbelli died before Carhart even got to the hospital. (Below is the type of procedure Carhart committed in both Gilbert’s and Morbelli’s cases.)
Why was it so hard for staff to reach Carhart? Perhaps because the emergency number Carhart provides to patients is actually the number for his wife’s horse business.
In addition to the deaths of Gilbert and Morbelli, Carhart has injured numerous patients, including one earlier this year — but he has injured at least 15 in the last five years alone, according to Operation Rescue. Carhart has butchered numerous women over the years; at age 75, it’s worth questioning whether or not he should still be practicing.
Yet despite all of the deaths and injuries, Carhart has not been disciplined.
Shockingly, there are more issues surrounding Carhart than just his killing and maiming of women (and their babies). Complaints against Carhart date as far back as 1991. He has been accused of altering patients charts, talking on the phone during procedures, refusing to follow proper infection safety protocol, and falling asleep during a procedure. He also once left an operating room during a procedure so he could go outside and throw rocks at the window. His clinics are allegedly kept in disgusting, unsanitary conditions, where blood was left on surgical instruments and illegal drug use taking place among his employees. He was also caught illegally dumping biohazardous waste, patient records, and drugs.
As if Carhart’s disregard for human life isn’t despicable enough, he evidently has complete disregard for animal life as well. The Humane Society removed four horses and two dogs from his property without a warrant because they had been neglected so horribly that death was imminent. They were so malnourished that their bones were visible through their skin, and were being kept in a barn with mud and excrement a foot deep.
Carhart has said, “Abortion is not a four-letter word. I’m proud of what I do.” But what is it he’s proud of, exactly?
Abortion is a violent, gruesome procedure that takes the lives of innocent, preborn babies while also risking the lives of women who are desperate and vulnerable. Carhart is a monstrous abortionist who should not be allowed to practice medicine. He has no respect for life whatsoever, and will continue butchering women and killing preborn babies until he is forced to stop. And isn’t it time that he finally was?