Here is reaction from Lila Rose to Planned Parenthood’s announcement today that they are going to “retrain” their workers in repines to Live Action’s investigation:
“This announcement by Planned Parenthood is nothing more than window dressing to try and patch over a major crisis engulfing all levels of Planned Parenthood – from the front line staffer to the hierarchy of the organization. Live Action’s investigation has uncovered a serious, institutional crisis in which Planned Parenthood is willing to aid and abet sex trafficking and exploitation of minors and young women.”
“Planned Parenthood’s story keeps changing. First they attacked Live Action – while admitting guilt and firing their New Jersey manager. Then they defended their Virginia staff saying they acted ‘professionally’ and claiming that they ‘offer excellent training to our staff.’ They even went so far as to say ‘there is no training that could prevent this from happening‘ on national television.
“Planned Parenthood can’t keep their story straight because our clear and unequivocal footage shows their staff willfully assisting sex trafficking of underage girls. Our investigation clearly shows that minors and young women are at grave risk when they walk through the doors of Planned Parenthood.”
“What kind of organization hires employees who have to be repeatedly trained and retrained to be concerned when presented with unambiguous evidence that children are being raped and prostituted?”