
Meet 6 women who regret their abortions

Abortion is not as easy, painless, and regret-free as Planned Parenthood likes to claim. Here are six women who tell their real-life abortion stories.

1) Megz

“And even though I know I’ve found healing, I think about my baby every day. I wonder what he would look like. I wonder what he would like to play with. I wonder what his voice would sound like. My baby would have turned eight this past fall.”

A turning point for Megz came when she learned the facts about fetal development – that, as she said, at 7 weeks, her baby already had fingers, toes, ears, a beating heart, and more. She recognized that her baby had never just been a bunch of cells. He was always her baby, at every moment.

Megz’s story illustrates the devastation that abortion clinics bring to women by failing to fully inform them about the humanity of their preborn children. Investigative videos have caught clinic staff and counselors blatantly lying to women about their babies’ development.

Megz’s video was put on YouTube in January of 2015, and she writes this in the description:

You never know who may need to see it…it’s all about the hope! This video was made to be shown in public schools so it is missing the most important part of the story – that none of the healing I’ve received would have been possible without the love of Jesus! So thankful!

2) Our Painful Stories

This video, made by Virtue Media, features four women who discuss their true abortion experiences in four minutes. Virtue Media’s goal is “a minute of education, a lifetime of hope.”

This video can also be seen in Spanish here.

3) Samantha

Even though this young woman seems to come to the wrong conclusion that, if the woman wants the abortion, it might be okay, her video is incredibly powerful. Many women who thought they wanted an abortion share in her pain. (Find hundreds of their stories here.) And, regardless of whether the mother wants it or not, abortion always takes an innocent baby’s life.

Samantha writes, under her video:

…Trust me when I say it kills me everyday to know what I did and that my baby could be just over 6 months old now. It effected my BF too and he’s the one that pushed it. It’s hurt both of us more than we thought a single person could hurt.

If you, like Samantha, are feeling pressured into an abortion, check out this article, this one, and this one. Here is what one young woman wrote, after choosing life for her baby, even with opposition from her boyfriend and her parents:

I know your scared. I was so scared and my ex wouldnt even let me tell my friends. I felt so alone, but when I finaly told them I got so much support and my best friend even went with me to tell my parents. Sometimes you need that buffer. … I would atleast listen to your baby’s heart beat. That literly chanced my mind completly. …

I even went with my ex-boyfriend (the father of my daughter) to the first appointment to get an abortion. But as soon as I heard her heart beat I knew I couldn’t do it. My boyfriend pressured me but I knew that no matter what even if I gave her up for adoption at least she would be alive. … I didn’t want my mom to know either and I hid my pregnecy from my parents actually till about a few weeks ago. (I’m 6 months pregent now). It didn’t go well, so I understand how hard it is. I’m not even on speaking terms with my parents. But atleast I know that my daughter will have my love no matter what. My ex is bearly in the picture only coming around when he feels like it. The are places that can help you. my advice would be to at least hear your baby’s heart beat. Belive me it is probley the most amazing thing I have ever exsperinced and the reason I am now going to raise my daughter on my own with out my parents or her dad. …

For anyone who is seeking healing after an abortion, visit to find a center or program in your area, or even just a person to talk to.

If you’re considering an abortion and want answers, help, or someone to talk with, send an email or chat online with or call Pregnancy Line at 866-88-WOMAN.

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