You don’t even know how to respond when you find that a human or
somebody else has kept the foot of your baby…
You don’t want to believe it, and I still don’t.
— Desiree Hawkins, mother who found out Gosnell kept her baby’s feet in a jar
In the newest installment of the ongoing film series 3801 Lancaster Ave., the public learns of a story that sounds more like a horror novel than real life: a young woman recently learned that her aborted child’s feet were kept in a jar in Kermit Gosnell’s facility after the abortion. The questions that this story raises are chilling: What possessed Gosnell to cut off a baby’s feet? What possible motive existed for storing those feet in a clear jar? Why was the sadism not caught sooner?
We may never know the answers to these questions, but the young mother, Desiree Hawkins, sheds a little light on the tragedy of walking into Gosnell’s abortion mill in 2009, when she was sixteen years old:
For whatever reason my vision was really blurred.
I just remember him picking up something and walking out of the room. To this day I don’t know if that’s what he picked up, my baby, or not…
The one picture of the specimens they show online, the very last one where part of the label is showing, that’s mine.
[vimeo 65147646 w=500 h=281]
“The picture itself is horrible…” Another Story from 3801 Lancaster from 3801Lancaster on Vimeo.