(LifeSiteNews) The abortion lobby’s hostility to abortion pill reversal is well known, but a recent tweet by pro-abortion organization NARAL may set a new standard for hypocrisy.
The Mifepristone abortion pill, or RU-486, works by blocking the natural hormone progesterone that developing babies require to survive. Abortion pill reversal consists of administering extra progesterone to counteract mifepristone’s effects, ideally within 24 hours of taking the abortion pill.
READ: Education on abortion pill reversal is empowering for women
Though the practice is relatively new, its pioneers credit it with helping more than 400 women save their babies since 2007, and say they have even had successes when the treatment begins within 72 hours of taking the abortion pill. Overall, they say they have seen a 55% success rate, meaning that while reversing a chemical abortion is far from certain, it has the capacity to save many babies.
On Wednesday, NARAL Pro-Choice America published a tweet leveling a curious charge at abortion reversal, that it constitutes “human experimentation” and “perpetuate[s] the myth that people who get an abortion often regret it.”
“Abortion reversal” is human experimentation—and anti-choice zealots are using it to target women of color and perpetuate the myth that people who get an abortion often regret it. https://t.co/wHCMf0mr10
— NARAL (@NARAL) August 1, 2018
The tweet linked to a July 28 Truthout article by pro-abortion activist Shireen Rose Shakouri accusing abortion reversal pioneer George Delgado of engaging in “medical experimentation” that’s “likely being pushed disproportionately on women of color.”
She does not offer evidence that Delgado’s trials have harmed anyone, however, nor does she support the speculation that he targeted minorities. Instead, she recalls historical horror stories of medical experiments completely unrelated to abortion or pro-lifers (she also highlights the unethical trials on Puerto Rican women used to test the first birth control pill, which pro-lifers would argue reflects more on Shakouri’s side than Delgado’s).
Regardless, trials of new medical treatments is not what most people take “human experimentation” to mean. Moreover, NARAL’s newfound stance against “medical experimentation” stands in stark contrast to not only its support of abortion, which ends the lives of preborn humans, but its express support for medical experiments that entail the certainty of human death.
NARAL calls “research using fetal tissue” – i.e., tissue taken from aborted babies – an “important area of science” that “hold[s] unique promise for medical research.” It has also specifically invoked embryonic stem cell research – in which embryonic humans are killed to obtain stem cells – in its attacks on many pro-life policies and figures, including personhood laws, former Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
READ: Pro-abortion media is misleading the public about abortion pill reversal
As for abortion defenders’ insistence that abortion regret is a “myth,” pro-life groups such as LifeSiteNews, Silent No More, Rachel’s Vineyard, After Abortion, and Abortion Recovery International collect many first-hand accounts of women attesting to the heartbreak they endured after their abortions.
While abortion defenders regularly cite a 2015 study claiming 95% of women are happy about their abortions, pro-life analysts have questioned its methodology. Pro-lifers have also highlighted studies linking abortion to increased suicide attempts, long-term clinical depression, psychiatric illness requiring hospitalization, and substance abuse.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published at LifeSiteNews on August 2, 2018, and is reprinted here with permission.