Where are all the abortion mills in Maryland? No one knows the answer to that question with any certainty. State officials have been checking the yellow pages for possible listings as Maryland begins to consider, for the first time ever, adopting regulations requiring the state’s abortion mills to operate under the same standards as other outpatient surgical facilities. At least one woman has died and others harmed in Maryland’s shadowy abortion industry.
Clinic regulations would certainly be a positive development for women’s health, even though such laws do nothing to address the killing of innocent babies in the womb. The pro-life movement has always led the way in making sure that abortion clinics are as safe as possible for women. Live Action’s investigations are an important example of the commitment to safety for women and girls that is shared by all in the pro-life movement.
The life of the mother and the life of the child are both precious and should be protected by law, but sadly, the pro-abortion group NARAL Pro-Choice America continually stands with the abortion mills, some of which are operated by Planned Parenthood. For years, despite the fact that women were being gravely harmed by Maryland abortionists, NARAL has given the State of Maryland a Grade A rating.
While the pro-life movement shows leadership in working to defend the right to life of both woman and child, NARAL has been satisfied with protecting the interests of the abortion mills whenever and wherever possible. Though claiming “we will always have to fight to keep abortion safe and legal”, provisions for the safety of women are not to be found on the list of Maryland laws offered as the basis for the state’s Grade A rating. Even as women were being brutalized over the last two decades in Maryland’s abortion mills, NARAL has held Maryland in high honor.
Planned Parenthood, which killed over 6000 babies in Maryland last year alone ranks among those who do not share the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s concern about maternal harm. Here’s what Muriel Thompson, a Planned Parenthood spokesperson, had to say in response to the news that Maryland would finally be considering regulations to protect women from incompetence in abortion mills.
“There’s always concern that efforts are being made, not because people believe it’s not a safe procedure, but only because they want to see abortion access cut,” Thompson said.
Pro-life efforts to protect women are clearly considered by Planned Parenthood to be a threat to their activities. They would have us just “believe” that Maryland’s abortion mills are safe for women, despite troubling evidence to the contrary. Planned Parenthood is relying on public ignorance, as they always have, in order that they may continue the slaughter of the innocent. The role of the pro-life advocate is to shine the light of truth, in Maryland and across the country, to defend the life and dignity of both women and their children.