This year, the 43rd annual National Right to Life Convention will be held in Dallas, TX. The 2013 National Right to Life Convention boasts a long list of well-known speakers and offers the opportunity to meet and mingle with pro-life advocates from across the country. This annual gathering is the hallmark of pro-life gatherings, incorporating education and pro-life fellowship. The full schedule of talks and events is sure to reinvigorate attendees and return pro-life advocates to their respective states with a renewed passion for and knowledge of the life movement.
A full list of speakers can be found here. They include:
- O. Carter Snead, W.P. and H.B. White Director of the Center for Ethics and Culture at the University of Notre Dame
- Wesley J. Smith, award-winning author and senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism
- Chet McDoniel, an inspiring Life advocate who was born without arms or legs and works to spread the message that all life is dignified and worthy of defense
- David Barton, Founder and President of WallBuilders, a national pro-family organization that presents America’s forgotten history and heroes
- Reggie Littlejohn, Founder and President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers
- Ryan Bomberger, Founder of the Radiance Foundation
- Eilzabeth Graham, Director of Texas Right to Life
The Convention will take place in Dallas from Thursday, June 27 to Saturday, June 29. It will be held at the Hyatt Regency DFW at DFW Airport. Information about accommodations at the Hyatt Regency can be found at the convention website. The convention is appropriate for the entire family. Childcare is available, and there is a special Teens for Life Convention that will take place simultaneously. Click here to register for the 43rd annual National Right to Life Convention.