Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the author.
If I’m honest, growing up I never gave much thought to Roe v Wade. I knew of it, but no one around me ever spoke of it. I never questioned it. It just was.
Sadly, by my 20’s, all I knew was that it allowed me the right to “terminate my pregnancy.” I exercised that right, but still didn’t give it much thought.
By my 30’s the trauma and pain I was still suffering from surrounding my abortion gave me plenty of opportunities to think about that fateful precedent. I questioned the circumstances surrounding the case, but even more so I pondered the why.
What about us as people has made us believe that ending the life of our unborn offspring is just or even necessary? Where were our hearts as a country on that fateful day in 1973? When a previously unknown Norma McCorvey became the face of women’s empowerment through her newly legal “right to choose,” was there no pause as to the future implications? Could they even conceive of the 63 million babies’ lives that would be ended and the mothers and fathers left to silently grieve an unrecognized loss?
But who was I to question? After all, I had utilized this right. Was there a space for people like me in this fight?
Now in my 40’s I am here to tell you it is voices like mine that not only can speak, but most definitely should be heard! It is not hypocritical, it is growth.
Which brings me to this moment today – one year after the overturning of the dreadful Roe v Wade decision. As a woman and an American I am so thankful and proud that there has been collective growth! It is one of the best human qualities to recognize wrong thinking and have the courage to make a change.
May we continue to fight for not only the lives of the unborn but for the restoration of parenthood as the gift it is. May we continue to fight for the single moms who need love, acceptance and support. May we continue to fight for and encourage fathers to recognize the importance of their roles and to sympathize with those who weren’t given a choice.
If I’m honest, I probably didn’t think much about Roe not because it wasn’t worthy of thought, but because I wasn’t convinced it could change. I’m so glad I was wrong.
Learn more about Melissa Manion at her website, melissamanion.com.