
Obama administration bypasses states’ decisions to defund, continues to send funds to Planned Parenthood

Pro-life Americans don’t matter.

It is encouraging to hear of states voting to defund the abortion chain Planned Parenthood – an action which does not to take away access to affordable health care for women. Instead, it is a vote to offer women more comprehensive health care. So it’s nice to hear about states recently choosing to defund, like Arizona. And it’s refreshing  to take a look at Susan B. Anthony’s scoreboard and see that $61,740,900 has been defunded from the organization by certain states.

Unfortunately, then there’s news like this about Arizona – namely, that Planned Parenthood is suing the state. And then there’s also news that taxpayers in Arizona must continue to fund Planned Parenthood during the lawsuit. The organization not only stands to benefit from suing, but also has the president standing by in support, despite what state legislators vote to do and what their governors sign off on. Perhaps even more disheartening is that we hear similar stories about Tennessee and about New Jersey. Even though these states have voted to defund Planned Parenthood, Obama continues to send them funds anyway. And, as the latter article points out in its last paragraph, the Obama administration has intervened and provided some other kind of funding if the states won’t provide it. And just this week, the Obama administration went against the state of North Carolina and sent funds, the fifth time the administration has done so.

This kind of interference from the Obama administration shows once again where the president’s loyalties and interests lie. Obama has a special kind of relationship with Planned Parenthood. His administration stepping in on the organization’s behalf shows that the president cares more about the abortion provider than he does about a democratic vote from the American people in states where Planned Parenthood has been defunded. The president is certainly not pro-life, but he is not even pro-choice, either. The American people in a number of states have made the choice not to fund Planned Parenthood with their taxpayer dollars, and yet the Obama administration sees that the organization still gets funded. These voters and their pro-life views do not matter to the president, because President Obama is pro-abortion and pro-Planned Parenthood.

The president’s actions should cause many pro-life Americans to be alarmed. Obama is not just funding Planned Parenthood and thus abortion, but he is also doing so against the will of the people in states like Tennessee and New Jersey. The people of these states elected legislatures who voted to defund Planned Parenthood, and yet Obama steps in to fund abortion anyway. One can’t help but wonder if Barack Obama cares about states’ rights at all or is simply so beholden to Planned Parenthood and an abortion agenda that states’ rights and the will of the people who vote to defund Planned Parenthood don’t matter. In that case, it’s not just pro-lifers who should be alarmed, but also those who believe in the rights of the states and the Constitution, and specifically the Tenth Amendment.

It is also interesting to point out that prior to Roe v. Wade, the states decided their own abortion laws. At the time, the accepted law of the land was that it varied by state. This is similar in some ways to how states fund Planned Parenthood. The states fund Planned Parenthood, or they pass a vote to defund Planned Parenthood. One has to wonder if, had Barack Obama been involved in politics prior to Roe v. Wade,  he would have continued to undermine states’ rights when it came to abortion laws in that respect as well.

Worth noting is that a bill has recently been OKed by a House Committee that will protect conscious rights and defund Planned Parenthood as long as it still provides elective abortions. Such a bill comes at an appropriate time, when, only days after the bill passage was announced, so was the tragic death of a 24-year-old who had a botched abortion at a Planned Parenthood in Chicago. Such an organization that performs botched abortions should not be funded and applauded for supposedly standing up for women’s rights, but rather needs to be defunded and investigated.

If anyone has any doubts of President Barack Obama’s pro-abortion stance, he or she needs only to consider the instances in which he has sent a clear message that the views of pro-life Americans do not matter because he is more beholden to protecting Planned Parenthood and the abortion industry.

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