In a press release today, the American Association of Pro-Life OB/GYNS (AAPLOG) has announced that the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ABOG) is seeking a “new subspecialty certification for doing late-term abortions” to encourage Fellowships in Family Planning at universities across the United States. As AAPLOG points out, part of this subspecialty certification in “complex family planning” requires that those in such fellowships would be trained not only in contraception and in first trimester abortions, but late-term abortion as well.
The application for certification notes requirements for the Fellowship in Family Planning, and among these are the requirement to learn to use medications (mifepristone, misoprostol, prostaglandin, and methotrexate) for first and second trimester abortions, and to learn to utilize vacuum aspiration for first trimester procedures. In the video below, former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino explains a first-trimester vacuum aspiration abortion:
Those in a Family Planning Fellowship would also be required to learn second trimester procedures, such as D&E (dilation and evacuation), intact D&E or dilation and extraction, hysterotomy, and hysterectomy, as stated in the application.
Fellows must also “have knowledge of the standard of care for feticide for second trimester abortion which can include intra-amniotic injections, intra-fetal injections, and intra-operative feticide.” Surprisingly, the document admits to complications that can arise from abortions — something Planned Parenthood and its friends in the abortion industry tend to downplay:
The fellow must have the ability to diagnose and manage all complications that occur from first- and second-trimester pregnancy termination, including:
- Problems arising from retained products of conception.
- Problems arising from perforation of the uterus.
- Hemorrhage occurring because of damage to the uterus or cervix.
- Infections occurring from termination procedures and from septic abortion.
- Atraumatic hemorrhage, embolus, placenta accreta, increta, and percreta.
Below is a video of what a brutal second trimester D&E abortion entails. This isn’t surgery. It’s human dismemberment:
The application also makes some interesting claims about the alleged ‘achievements’ of the Fellowship of Family Planning in universities, given the fact that abortion still kills women — and there are plenty of horror stories associated with the use of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs):
Over the past 27 years, the FFP greatly expanded research in all aspects of contraception, pregnancy termination, and related areas, creating the evidence for professional standards in training students and residents, providing medical practice guidelines, and guiding policy decisions. Specifically, significant advances have been made in the science, safety, and efficacy of medical abortion,1,2 the safety of second trimester surgical abortion,3 and the development of and safely expanded use of intrauterine devices.4,5,6,7
In all, FFP fellows have made a substantial contribution… to ensuring abortion services remain available for underserved patients and in restrictive political climates.
AAPLOG’s Dr. Donna Harrison called the certification “unneeded” because OB-GYNS are “already trained… [in] contraception, miscarriage management, family planning and management of complicated pregnancies. These agreeable areas in the application are simply a smokescreen; the focus is really to train doctors to destroy human life….” She added, “Late-term abortions are never necessary. Thanks to incredible advances in medical care, even unborn children in the second trimester are surviving early delivery in greater numbers than we’ve ever seen.”
Dr. Harrison noted that the United States is extreme on abortion, as it is one of only seven nations to allow late-term abortion past 20 weeks. She noted:
If ABOG continues to pursue late-term abortion training certification, it does so against the wishes of those in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Eighty-five percent of OB-GYNS do not do abortions in their practice. We encourage doctors to file a comment against ABOG’s late-term abortion training.
This appears to be yet another attempt to legitimize the killing of human beings under the guise of “medicine.” Comments regarding the application can be filed here until July 6, 2018.