Human Rights

Planned Parenthood abortionist sexually abused patients for decades

It’s no surprise to pro-lifers that Planned Parenthood staffers do not have women’s best interests at heart. That doesn’t make it any less shocking when we discover more information about the horrific misdeeds that take place behind the doors of their abortion mills. One of their abortionists, for example, was found to have been sexually abusing his patients for over 20 years.

Ian Hardy

Ian Hardy

The Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine has filed a disciplinary petition against Vito Cordone for failing to report the sexual abuse of patients committed at his fertility clinic by former Planned Parenthood abortionist Ian Hardy.

In 1992, while Hardy was employed by Cardone’s Boston area infertility clinic, he began providing abortions for Planned Parenthood of League of Massachusetts, Inc. Why Hardy eventually left Planned Parenthood is unknown, but a Boston Globe article published on May 1, 2014, indicates that Hardy’s abhorrent sexual misconduct stretched back as far as 20 years. Hardy was working for Planned Parenthood during that time, in which Planned Parenthood abortion patients were likely exposed to molestation by Hardy as well.

Cardone was aware that Hardy was sexually abusing patients while they were under anesthesia for infertility treatments, but Cardone kept quiet and allowed Hardy to continue the abuse.

The abuse was discovered when multiple witnesses came forward and testified about his behavior. The first women to file a complaint against Hardy (which you can read here) with the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine saw her complaint closed with no action taken. It would take 17 more witnesses coming forward before Hardy was forced to surrender his license to practice medicine in Massachusetts.

Did Planned Parenthood executives know about Hardy’s behavior? It seems possible that at least some higher-ups did; according to the Boston Globe, when female employees complained about his sexual abuse, they were told to keep it quiet.

Ultimately, it took over ten years for Hardy and Cardone to be brought to justice for their crimes, which is inexcusable.

Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, says that sexual abuse of patients committed by abortionists and their staff is not uncommon – something that all can agree is truly repugnant. These are women who are arguably at the lowest point they’ll ever reach in their lives. They are scared, they are desperate, and they’re alone.

They are told Planned Parenthood is a place they can go to get help, that they can trust the people working there, and that they’ll be cared for. Instead, that vulnerability and desperation is taken advantage of and betrayed in the worst way. It is truly despicable – but it’s not surprising. After all, Planned Parenthood considers itself to be above the law. They’re more than willing to cover up the rape, sexual abuse, and trafficking of minor girls; why would they not be willing to cover up those same crimes committed by their own staff?

Planned Parenthood is a place that sells itself to women as an organization that provides “care, no matter what.” But time and time again, we find that Planned Parenthood is nothing more than an abusive organization that not only kills preborn children, but also hurts women. Planned Parenthood is not what women need.

NOTE: For information on health centers that serve women without performing abortions, see this article. If you are pregnant and need help, go here.

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