
Planned Parenthood again exploits Mother’s Day to promote abortion

For Mother’s Day, most people think of celebrating women who have devoted their lives to others, or who gave children life. For Planned Parenthood, it’s yet another excuse to raise money and promote abortion.

It started with a relatively benign tweet from Planned Parenthood Global, saying the organization was proud to celebrate mothers:

But considering that Planned Parenthood’s business is abortion, it seems odd to claim that they want to celebrate motherhood. The irony did not go unnoticed:

But the abortion giant was only getting started. They quickly began using Mother’s Day as an excuse to advocate for abortion:

The link asks women to sign a petition fighting for “reproductive rights” — or abortion. “Mother’s Day is a time when we celebrate all that mothers do for us. But this year, we can’t celebrate motherhood without recognizing the emerging crisis for global reproductive health and rights — a crisis created by the Trump administration,” the petition, which will be sent to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, reads.

Planned Parenthood President and CEO Cecile Richards urged people to honor their mothers… by advocating for Planned Parenthood and fighting for abortion.

Richards’ op-ed in “Time” begins by pretending to be concerned about women’s health care. “Every mom I know would skip the breakfast in bed, the Hallmark card or the flowers in exchange for the security of knowing they and their kids are healthy and happy,” she wrote. “But this Sunday, mothers across the country will spend Mother’s Day worried about the health of women and families — especially if they’re opening their gifts in front of the morning news.”

She then launched into a withering attack on the American Health Care Act, which Donald Trump and congressional Republicans have introduced as a replacement for the Affordable Care Act, or “Obamacare”. But the reality is, the entire article was nothing more than an excuse to promote Planned Parenthood itself.

“There are three things every person birthed by a mother (so, everyone) needs to know about the impact of the AHCA,” she claimed. “First, if the prior estimation still holds true, around 24 million people will lose health coverage. Second, millions of people will be blocked from coming to Planned Parenthood for affordable preventive care like birth control and cancer screenings. Third, states will be allowed to strip away maternity coverage, and insurance companies will be able to charge you more if you’ve been pregnant, had a C-section or experienced post-partum depression.”

Notice point number two — that millions of women will be denied health care services like cancer screenings because Planned Parenthood they will be “blocked” from coming to Planned Parenthood. In reality, no one will be “blocked” from the abortion giant — Planned Parenthood simply would not receive taxpayer funding, which is hardly the same thing.

Planned Parenthood also tweeted out “Mother’s Day cards,” again trying to make the argument that women rely on Planned Parenthood for health care.

As usual, Planned Parenthood has been rather duplicitous with its “facts.” The reality is that Planned Parenthood’s business is abortion, as a new Live Action video shows. In it, Richards herself can be heard waffling on the number of patients Planned Parenthood serves, but at most, it appears to be anywhere from 2.5 to 3 million per year. And Planned Parenthood is serving fewer and fewer women; the abortion giant lost half a million patients between 2011 and 2017, and had to shut down more than 200 of its facilities.

In addition, over the years, while abortions have increased at Planned Parenthood, health care services have plummeted. Planned Parenthood performs less than 2 percent of the country’s breast exams, after a 60 percent drop over 10 years; cancer screenings dropped by 68 percent (Planned Parenthood does less than 2 percent of the country’s screenings); as for Pap exams, those dropped by 77 percent, leaving the abortion chain to perform less than 1 percent of all Pap tests in the country.

Yet we’re to believe that Planned Parenthood is a vital health care provider upon which American women utterly rely? The only thing that is “vital” at Planned Parenthood is abortion, according to Cecile Richards herself.

In her “Time” article, Richards also made sure to mention maternity care, which is again, ironic, considering that Planned Parenthood has no use for women who need prenatal or maternity care.

Planned Parenthood provides little to no prenatal care, as Live Action uncovered after calling 97 clinics across the country. And while Planned Parenthood advertises prenatal care services, it does not actually provide them in the vast majority of locations. In fact, after Live Action’s investigation, Planned Parenthood scrubbed “prenatal care” as a service from many of its online listings.

94 percent of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy-related services are abortions. The organization also rarely provide adoption referrals; In fact, for every one child Planned Parenthood refers out for adoption, it aborts 160 children.

Despite Planned Parenthood’s claims, it does not provide health care for women, and it does not help women with unplanned pregnancies who want to keep their babies. Abortion is Planned Parenthood’s business, it is its priority, and that makes it even more despicable to see such an organization using Mother’s Day, of all holidays, to promote itself.

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