It’s reminiscent of the cliché about the fox running the hen house. The House Select Investigative Panel investigating Planned Parenthood has six Democratic members, all of them with significant money from the abortion industry.
Red State reports on the breakdown of Planned Parenthood’s payments to these members of the Congressional committee:
Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) $41,485
Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-WA) $19,232
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) : $13,115
Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) : $5,785
Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) (D-CA): $4,800
Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ) : $2,500 (a freshman Member of Congress)But this isn’t the half of it. The abortion industry as a whole has been stuffing these members’ campaign coffers with hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The story reports that the pro-abortion “Emily’s List, has given the ranking member of this panel, which is supposed to be investigating the abortion industry’s legally dubious practice of selling aborted babies’ body parts…,” Rep. Schakowsky, over $64,000 dollars in direct campaign contributions. It has handed Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-WA) over $48,000.” And NARAL Pro-Choice America gave Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) over $31,000 and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) over $19,000.
According to Red State:
All totaled, the abortion industry has paid more than $305,000 for the six Democrats appointed to the Select Investigative Panel tasked with investigating Planned Parenthood.
But this only accounts for direct campaign contributions and does not include the potentially hundreds of thousands of dollars more in independent expenditures on these members’ behalf.
Live Action recently reported on Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s handpicked choices for this committee, but no one is fooled by her tactics. The committee could have been assembled by the abortion industry itself. Even in a court of law, attorneys get to strike jurors they don’t believe will offer a fair verdict. Of course, this isn’t a court of law; it’s Congress, so basic ethical protocol is irrelevant.
With a blatant conflict of interest in the face of the nation, it should be clear that it would be impossible for those on Planned Parenthood’s payroll to conduct a fair hearing, but somehow such kangaroo tactics prevail. It would behoove those in a position to make noise about this to create a boisterous clang. Red State notes:
While Minority Leader Pelosi mocks that this is a “Select Committee to Attack Women’s Health,” her Democrat appointees are trying to create the Select Committee to Protect Planned Parenthood.
They’re not interested in the truth. They’re not interested in the law. They’re not interested in defending women (especially unborn women). They’re only interested in defending abortion – at all cost (though it seems to pay well).
So while a Congressional committee investigates Planned Parenthood, Planned Parenthood and its supporters are paying many of those committee members. The abortion industry owns these Democrats, just like it owns the blood of millions of innocent babies slain for profits.
Blood money runs deep in the nation–and in the nation’s capitol.