
Planned Parenthood plays victim card despite trail of illegal activity

In a move of utter hypocrisy, abortion giant Planned Parenthood announced Thursday that it had filed suit against the Center for Medical Progress (CMP). This action brings to mind echoes of “the pot calling the kettle black.” For Planned Parenthood to accuse another organization of criminal activity, especially while perched on its pompous high-horse declaring, “We’re innocent,” is an ultimate display of both its hypocrisy and its pride, which so often come before a fall.

The abortion profiteer is certainly familiar with illegal activity, as it’s had a history of legal problems, fines and investigations – some of which are still underway.

As Live Action has exposed time and again, Planned Parenthood will stop at nothing – including illegal activity – to perform abortions. Whether it’s covering up sex trafficking or the sexual abuse of minors, the abortion giant has a sordid history in illegal practices. The videos that spawned this lawsuit, likewise, reveal more criminal activity. From the initial videos until now, charges and investigations against Planned Parenthood have been flying across state houses all the way to Congress.

Yet the complaint against CMP and those associated with it is a 107-page document, which sounds more like a child arguing to his middle school principal, “He called me a bad name!” while overlooking the fact that he had beat up the kid in question. The text reads in part:

This complaint details a complex criminal enterprise conceived and executed by anti-abortion extremists. The express aim of the enterprise… was to demonize Planned Parenthood, harass and intimidate its dedicated staff, and interrupt its operations , all with the ultimate goal of interfering with women’s access to legal abortion.

Defendants leveraged the “professional” relationships they made at the conferences to seek access to individual Planned Parenthood doctors and affiliates, lying their way into private meetings… Defendants peppered Planned Parenthood staff with requests for meetings, lying at every step about who they were and what they were doing.

The idea that Planned Parenthood is the victim of liars is laughable, or it would be, if it were not such tragic irony. If there were nothing to expose, there wouldn’t be hours of long unedited videos that launched myriads of state and federal investigations.

The real criminals have always hidden behind a hot pink shroud, trying to pepper innocent women with convincing arguments and carefully crafted, yet highly-edited, deceptive speech in order to convince them abortion is the best thing women can do. The more abortions, the more babies to donate to research – for a price.


Their lawsuit may backfire, however.  CMP responded with this statement:

Planned Parenthood is under investigation by the United States Congress and multiple law enforcement agencies, while their business is drying up and the public is turning against their barbaric abortion for baby parts trade. Now they are filing a frivolous lawsuit in retaliation for CMP’s First Amendment investigative journalism that has done nothing more than tell the truth about Planned Parenthood’s lawless operations. This last-ditch move of desperation is going to expose all of the sordid dealings of the California Planned Parenthood affiliates to the light of the legal system and the public will see them for the corrupt abortion and baby body parts profiteers that they really are.

And President of Live Action, Lila Rose, said in a statement:

Today’s announcement shows that Planned Parenthood is desperate, knowing that its taxpayer funding may disappear with a new president in 2017. Just as it crushes the bodies of preborn children in its facilities, Planned Parenthood is now seeking to crush any dissent towards its crimes against humanity. Planned Parenthood’s abortion operations are not above the law. It is time for every American of good conscience to stand up and decry Planned Parenthood. May its arrogance and barbaric practices lead to its downfall.

Indeed, as the proverb says, “Pride goes before the fall.” Whatever Planned Parenthood is attempting to accomplish with its lawsuit, the reality is that the American people see more clearly each day just how corrupt the abortion profiteer’s practices are.

As for David Daleiden, the brains behind the undercover work that exposed Planned Parenthood for what it is, a lawsuit doesn’t set him back at all. He posted, via CMP’s Facebook page, Thursday:

Screen Shot 2016-01-14 at 11.10.54 PMUltimately, those depositions are what could lead to the final fall of the fallen angels of the abortion industry.

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