In the midst of Planned Parenthood’s flop endorsement of Hillary Clinton for president, the group posted a short video advertising IUDs on its main Facebook page.
But many women wrote in, objecting to Planned Parenthood’s nonchalant attitude about this semi-permanent form of birth control. While there are serious pro-life objections to all forms of IUDs (which act to prevent a developing baby from attaching to her mother’s womb), the objections on Facebook weren’t pro-life related. Instead, they came from birth control and Planned Parenthood supporters, who deemed PP’s ad irresponsible from a women’s health standpoint.
Like many issues Planned Parenthood attempts to downplay and oversimplify (like their own illegal and dangerous actions), women’s health is not something to take lightly. Advocating – even in an online, non-medical forum – for a woman to “forget” her IUD, is simply bad and dangerous advice.
If women really “trust Planned Parenthood,” as the abortion giant claims, it should be far more responsible in the messages, videos, and social media content it produces. Not all women reading have the age and experience to know that Planned Parenthood is wrong when it says to “forget” an IUD. Teen girls are too often exposed to the organization’s irresponsible, damaging slogans.
And, as the last commenter above writes: “I wish more effort went into teaching women about their fertility and tracking the signs in their body instead of just throwing synthe[t]ic, sometimes dangerous, hormones at it.”
“More effort” probably just isn’t worth it to Planned Parenthood. After all, they have money to collect, and teaching women about their own bodies takes far more time than inserting a dangerous, abortifacient, and semi-permanent device into them. (See a 22-year-old woman’s viral post about the dangers of the Mirena IUD here.)
More people need to follow the example of the commenters above, and call the abortion giant out for its irresponsible and damaging lack of care for women (and humanity in general).