
Planned Parenthood sues Louisiana over discontinued Medicaid funding

Planned Parenthood has filed suit in federal court against the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to block the state from discontinuing Medicaid funding to the abortion giant.

The state moved to cut off funds following the release of several videos appearing to show evidence of illegal activity – the selling of fetal body parts as well as infanticide and more – within the organization, including among some of its leaders.

“We’re in court today to protect over 5,200 people’s access to cancer screenings, well-woman exams and basic health care in Louisiana,” claimed Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. “Many of these folks would have nowhere else to turn for health care.”

Richards focuses on cancer screenings and exams, rather than addressing the reason for the defunding of PP, which is the issue of illegal fetal body parts trafficking. Beyond that, her statement that many would have nowhere else to turn to for health care is blatantly false, as there is an abundance of low-cost health centers throughout the nation (that also could receive federal funding), which could absorb Planned Parenthood’s patients if PP were to be defunded by Congress.


In a mass e-mail sent out to supporters, Richards addressed Louisiana’s move to defund Planned Parenthood:

This latest effort to stand between patients and their doctors is an attack on low-income women and men, plain and simple. By cutting Planned Parenthood health centers out of Louisiana’s Medicaid program, Louisiana is putting politics before people’s health and lives. Thousands of people could lose access not only to their trusted health care provider, but to these essential services altogether.

Richards does not explain how investigating and moving to defund an organization due to strong evidence that it illegally sells human body parts is:

  1. Standing between patients and their doctors
  2. An attack on low-income women
  3. Putting politics before people’s health and lives, or
  4. Causing thousands to lose healthcare access

None of the real issues are addressed in her statements, and interestingly, Richards’ email appeals for money no less than five times.

As Planned Parenthood pursues legal action, it will be left up to courts to decide whether these statements by PP are examples of desperate maneuvering, deceptive wording, and/or false statements in their entirety.

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