An analysis by Live Action News has revealed that the largest abortion provider in the nation, Planned Parenthood, exists to recruit political supporters, not to serve patients. In the public domain, this abortion corporation masquerades as a healthcare organization; yet, 12 years ago, Planned Parenthood hired CEO Cecile Richards, a political organizer with zero healthcare experience. In fact, during her tenure with the abortion corporation, Richards bragged that “supporters” have more than quadrupled, while Planned Parenthood’s own reports show that patients and services have plummeted. Of course, mainstream media isn’t reporting about this decline.

Cecile Richards grows Planned Parenthood supporters (Image credit: Twitter)
How Planned Parenthood defines a “supporter,” which includes activists and donors, is not clear. However, figures published in its own reports and figures mentioned in the above tweet reveal:
- “Supporters” reportedly grew by 300 percent, increasing from 3 million in 2005 to 12 million by 2018.
- Private donations to Planned Parenthood increased nearly 106 percent from $258.7 million in 2006 to $532.7 in 2016.
- Government funding increased over 61 percent, from $336.7 million in 2006 to $543.7 million in 2016.
And yet, over the past 10-11 years, services at Planned Parenthood are diving:
- Breast exam services declined nearly 62 percent (882,961 in 2006 to 336,614 in 2016).
- Pap tests decreased nearly 74 percent (1,070,449 in 2006 to 281,063 in 2016).
- Cancer screenings plummeted 67 percent (2,007,371 in 2006 to 660,777 in 2016).
- Contraception services dropped by over 32 percent (3,989,474 in 2006 to 2,701,866 in 2016).
- The organization’s overall services decreased nearly 10 percent (2006 to 2016).
- The organization shuttered more than 280 facilities (2007 and 2017).
- Planned Parenthood lost over 700,000 patients, dropping nearly 23 percent (3.1 million in 2006 to 2.4 million in 2016.)
In addition, (between 2006 and 2016) abortions increased nearly 11 percent, averaging more than 320,000 abortions per year, despite the fact that figures indicate abortions are on a steady decline nationally, as Live Action News has previously reported.
The numbers speak for themselves. The real reason Planned Parenthood exists is to provide abortion on demand for any reason — but aside from this, it works to bring in dollars for political causes. In a 2015 interview with the organization’s former CEO on Meet the Press, host Chuck Todd noted how the organization’s goal was to ramp up its political activities:

Cecile Richards on Meet the Press 2015
Todd said:
“It is notable you’re not a women’s health specialist and you replaced someone who was head of Planned Parenthood who basically came from the world of heath care. In 2008, you were quoted as saying — when you wanted to ramp up Planned Parenthood’s political activities, you said — quote, ‘The largest kick butt political organization’ is what you were going to… going to grow.”
More recently, in May of 2018, Planned Parenthood spokesperson Dawn Laguens told, “On the political side, Planned Parenthood Action Fund is mobilizing our biggest civic engagement program ever, to make sure people know what’s on the line, who’s on their side, and who is not.” As CNN notes, it is getting ready for “its largest volunteer training event ever”:
Kelley Robinson, the National Organizing Director at Planned Parenthood Action Fund, said the July training event, called The Power of Pink, will bring together 3,000 activists and leaders in Detroit and give them various resources for going back into their communities to then build upon the organization’s network.
Nationally, Planned Parenthood has two political arms: Planned Parenthood Votes and Planned Parenthood Action Fund. As you can see from this image taken from PPFA’s most recent 990 report, PPFA money helps to fund one of those political arms:

PPFA contributions to Planned Parenthood Action Fund 2015
A summary of total receipts raised by one political arm, Planned Parenthood Votes, published by the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), shows that in just one year (between 2015 and 2016), the political arm raised over $22 million dollars.

Planned Parenthood Votes 22 Million Dollars Raised 2015 to 2016 (Image credit: FEC)
In that same time frame, over one million dollars was raised by Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Inc. PAC. In addition, FEC records indicate over 80 Planned Parenthood PACs and political committees exist in their database. According to Open Secrets, much of the organization’s political lobbying benefits one political party over the other, namely the Democrat Party.

Planned Parenthood Votes election graph by party May 2018
A small sample of Planned Parenthood’s most recent political activity includes:
- Spending $500,000 to organize “an army of volunteers” to support their 650 centers across the country.
- Political arms announcing a $20 million effort to back pro-abortion candidates.
- Along with several other organizations, recently announcing plans to invest $30 million to reach 2.5 million voters in a campaign they called “Win Justice.”
“Win Justice” is a joint effort from Planned Parenthood Votes, Center for Community Change Action, Color of Chance PAC, and the very political Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Cecile Richards’ husband, Kirk Adams, has held several leadership positions at this powerful union.
According to Capital Research Center, the SEIU is also a major funder of left-wing organizations:
According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the SEIU is the largest funder of political action committees (PACs) in the U.S. In total the union has spent over $270 million on federal politics, almost exclusively on behalf of PACs supporting Democrats and progressive causes. Unfortunately, because of its sheer size, the SEIU is able to mobilize huge numbers of members, providing Democrats with volunteer canvassers and voter transportation services on a scale unmatched by conservatives.
A quick glance at Open Secrets shows the “Win Justice” start-up was funded with $3 million dollars from none other than radically left-leaning George Soros. In fact, a May 3, 2018 search at the FEC website reveals that Soros is the only contributor thus far:

Win Justice PAC, includes Planned Parenthood and SEIU and funded by George Soros Money
While Planned Parenthood, along with the SEIU and friends, call their campaign, “Win Justice,” they tragically plan to support political candidates who miss the major justice issue of our day and instead, actually support committing injustice through abortion. Every day, Planned Parenthood ends the lives of nearly 900 preborn children in the womb.
Planned Parenthood is highly political, using its pro-abortion friends in Congress and the media to increase its bottom line and pay its staff (and especially its CEO) extremely high salaries. As previously documented, a former top executive for the organization once admitted that its “success” was linked to power and money, and he showed that taxpayer dollars are what enable the abortion corporation to recruit, hire and pay its top staffers six-digit salaries.
Those staffers then focus their energy securing millions upon millions in private donations and forced taxpayer dollars. As a result, the abortion corporation has managed to increase its excess revenue almost every year since 2000, by tens of millions of dollars, money it can then use to buy influence to protect them from serious allegations of fraud and abuse.

Planned Parenthood excess revenue over expenses 2000 to 2016
Planned Parenthood is not a legitimate health care organization, but is instead a Trojan horse for the political left. Let’s stop this charade once and for all and end taxpayer funding to this abortion corporation.