The South Dakota Legislature recently passed an Informed Consent Law, requiring pregnant women to be provided with “a consultation with fully trained staff of a Pregnancy Care Center to provide the face to face relationship and informed consent necessary for the woman faced with a crisis pregnancy.” Yet Planned Parenthood staff have proven that they are not capable of providing this type of care. According to SD’s Rapid City Journal:
Planned Parenthood’s “patient educators” admitted … that they were not competent to counsel women about fetal development, assessment of coercion, or risk factors for depression and suicide.
The doctor, flown in from Minnesota, sees the pregnant mother only during the five to nine minutes required for surgery.
Yet Planned Parenthood still decided to sue the state of South Dakota over the newly passed Informed Consent Law, costing South Dakota citizens even more money – to defend a law enacted by their own duly elected representative government.
Apparently Planned Parenthood can’t help themselves when it comes to dipping into taxpayers’ wallets.
— 2011 (c) Live Action —