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Pro-life group equips Nigerian nursing students with skills to save moms and babies

(Human Life International) The future looks brighter for Nigerian mothers and their babies as Human Life International equips the nation’s nurses with pro-life education and training. The College of Nursing Sciences Adazi-Nnukwa, in Anambra, Nigeria, offered the Human Life International program to its nursing students over the summer. The course was also open to those enrolled in basic midwifery studies.

The 500 student nurses, male and female, coming out of the college are equipped with the knowledge and understanding to help combat the country’s well publicized high maternal death rate and the ideological colonization being perpetrated against African women by western organizations under the guise of women’s health.

Human Life International Nigeria Director Charles Nnagboh, explained how the student nurses are presented with pro-life perspectives to accompany the medical training they have received. The curriculum also addresses the myths and facts surrounding abortion, contraception and natural family planning, sexual relationships, and assisted reproductive technologies.

“The goal of this program,” detailed Nnagboh, “is to equip these student nurses with the information, education and skills to become effective pro-life practitioners who will courageously spread the gospel of life and provide their patients with healthy, life-affirming alternatives to the culture of death being forced on Africans by those from Western nations.”

Many students were profoundly impacted by viewing video footage of aborted babies and those of living children in utero.

One nurse in training, Perpetua, remarked that the film, The Hard Truth, “exposed the reality that abortion is not healthcare but deliberate killing of the innocent.” She said, “I have resolved with all the strength in me to change this narrative by enlightening others, so they won’t fall for the same lie.”

“I’m still in shock that what is being touted as compassion for women is butchery of an innocent human being,” added her classmate Onyeka. “I have since reconciled with God and have vowed not only to stop pushing for abortion but also to help women in crisis pregnancy choose life.”

For Ngozi, another student, she wondered aloud why such a barbaric act should be labeled as “choice.” That was how abortion had been marketed to her, and she herself had had three abortions. Ngozi is now reaching out to her friends with the truth about abortion, adding that, “I was blind but now I can see. Thanks to Human Life International’s life-saving work.”

As the most populous black nation on Earth and Africa’s largest economy, sub–Saharan Nigeria has been a popular target of western global entities. With agendas that regularly provide so called “safe abortion” services to a country where abortion is not allowed, there has been a huge focus on birth control, sterilization, and supplying abortion pills.

“Recently, UNICEF started aggressive training of midwives, nurses, and health workers in artificial birth control,” reported Nnagboh. “They plan to deploy 4,000 midwives to rural communities in the Nigerian state of Anambra, where The College of Nursing Sciences in Adazi-Nnukwu is located.”

Human Life International’s mission includes large scale promotion of Natural Family Planning, a non-abortifacient, non-chemical, non-mechanical, safe alternative to the birth control promoted heavily by the abortion industry.

Photo: Human Life International

“The culture of death in Africa teaches student nurses, midwives and health workers that contraceptives are the only way to go in family planning,” Nnagboh explained. “After learning about artificial birth control and its devastating effects on souls, bodies, and marriages, nursing student Emeka vowed to replicate the training in rural communities to give women of childbearing age a “credible and godly alternative” to the artificial birth control being touted as healthcare.”

One western-funded group, Ipas Nigeria, claims to have “averted” 642,000 unsafe abortions and 150,000 unintended pregnancies. Ipas also touts “evidence” that pregnant mothers can “safely manage their own abortions,” messaging that Nnagboh’s team counters with the hard facts of life from Human Life International’s pro-life teaching materials.

Once a child has been conceived, the curriculum states, “a woman has already procreated…” The only question that remains is whether or not she will deliver that baby or allow someone to kill it. As for “safe” abortion, the materials detail that an abortion of any ilk “is anything but safe.”

“Through abortion, birth control and sterilization, Africa’s population has long been intentionally targeted for decimation,” observed Emil Hagamu, Nnagboh’s Human Life International colleague and Regional Director for English speaking Africa.

“The western world reeled in horror when late in 2022, news broke about women being forced to have abortions by the Nigerian army. Reuters revealed in December that at least 10,000 pregnancies had been terminated among women and girls impregnated by Islamist insurgents over the last decade,” stated John Martin, Human Life International Chief Advancement Officer, “Yet, there are almost two million abortions of Nigerian babies each year by those who have been sent to provide ‘help’ to Nigerian women. In a country where abortion is outlawed except to save an expectant mother from death, 45 out of each 1,000 pregnancies ends in intentional abortion.”

Editor’s Note: This press released was submitted by Human Life International. HLI is the only US-based authority on global life issues, including abortion, contraception, and end-of-life concerns. HLI is engaged in providing aid, training, and advocacy around the world and is the largest global pro-life and family organization, active in more than 100 countries on six continents. HLI provides resources and education on life issues from a Catholic perspective, while providing assistance around the globe, and prepares those training for and those active in ministry to address these matters in their vocation.

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