This comes via 40 Days for Life:
“Thank you,” said the e-mail message one of the Charlotte coordinators received. “You saved my baby today!”
A young woman arriving for an appointment noticed the 40 Days for Life signs in front of the abortion center, but she didn’t really pay much attention.
That wouldn’t come until later. At this point, she had other things on her mind.
For one thing, the child’s father had to stay in the abortion center’s waiting room, and she didn’t care for that policy. “They don’t let your family or friends be part of this,” she said, which “should be a creepy tip-off.”
Next, the staff told her the cost of the abortion would be double the amount they had mentioned on the phone.
But then, something happened. “I saw my baby on the ultrasound,” she said, “and that changed the whole world. I stormed out.”
On her way back through the waiting room on her way out the door, “I told the girls there is still time and I will have them in my prayers.”
On leaving the building, she saw the 40 Days for Life signs again. She went home, Googled the name, found the Charlotte campaign’s Facebook page — and wrote to the local coordinators.
The local team connected her with pro-life prenatal resources. They report the young woman is very happy — her child is safe from abortion — and they will continue to help her.
Read some of the other great things happening thanks to 40 Days for Life here.