The University of Michigan may be #4 in the 2014 “Best Colleges Ranking” for public universities, but it’s currently scoring a #1 in its overt support of abortion.
The university is currently displaying a “4,000 Years for Choice” exhibit that will run for 45 hours each week until May 29, 2014. The university’s website explains the exhibit:
“4,000 Years for Choice” is an exhibition of posters about the age-old practices of abortion and contraception as a means to reclaim reproductive freedom as a deeply personal and life-sustaining act existing throughout all of human history. The “Reproductive Roots” series shines a bright light on the many voices from the abortion care and reproductive justice movements using vividly designed social media graphics and notecards to inspire conversations from a breadth of perspectives.
If the University of Michigan truly wanted to “inspire conversations from a breadth of perspectives,” it should also be displaying a Justice for All or a What has Roe Done for Us? exhibit. Instead, the university uses public funds to push acceptance – and praise – of abortion on its students.
Of course, the University of Michigan’s true beliefs on the issue are easy to spot with language like “abortion care” and “reproductive justice.” Perhaps a university official could explain how ripping unborn human beings limb from limb, sucking their spines until they crumple, or practically beheading them constitutes “care” in any way.
If abortion is “deeply personal,” any murder could be termed similarly. Murderers often do have “personal” reasons why they choose to intentionally kill another human being. But since when does the “personal” nature of any reason make killing an innocent person acceptable?

One of the tamer results when doing a google image search of “abortion.”
Calling abortion “life-sustaining” is nothing more than a mockery of fact and reason. (Giving a pregnant woman chemotherapy or removing an ectopic pregnancy is not performing an abortion.) Abortion takes human life, and does so in some of the cruelest ways imaginable. Would the University of Michigan care to set up an exhibit detailing exactly what happens during an abortion? If university officials were to watch this video (and read the description beneath it), perhaps they would see what a mockery they have made of the hard, cold facts.
The College Fix attempted to interview the University of Michigan concerning the “4,000 Years for Choice” exhibit, and the response was particularly galling:
Inquiries by The College Fix into whether the Center for Sexual Rights and Reproductive Justice [an arm of the university’s OBGYN department] has an official position on the pro-choice vs. pro-life controversy, and whether an alternative viewpoint will also be addressed on campus, were met with referrals to the local Planned Parenthood. [Emphasis mine.]
Sadly, this is not the end of this bewildering saga. On Saturday, The Columbus Dispatch reported that the University of Michigan had agreed to serve as “the emergency-transfer provider” for an abortion clinic in Toledo, Ohio. The clinic – whose license has been revoked twice by the Ohio Department of Health – is attempting to circumvent the law and remain open. Yet the University of Michigan – a publicly funded university – still spoke out on behalf of the clinic:
A University of Michigan Health System spokeswoman said that signing the agreement with the Capital Care Clinic puts the clinic in compliance with a state law requiring abortion providers to have a transfer agreement with a “local” hospital.
It’s a sad day in America when our publicly funded universities go out of their way to advocate for the abortion agenda. Thankfully, the state of Ohio recognized that a hospital an hour away is in no way “local” and rejected the agreement.