Last week, the Susan B. Anthony List released a new ad about Planned Parenthood, urging Congress to defund the abortion giant and redirect the group’s half a billion dollars in annual funding to Federally Qualified Health Centers. SBA List’s press release gives more background information:
Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) announced a two-week long television ad buy urging Congress to redirect taxpayer funding from Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, to comprehensive health care centers. The 30-second ad will air in the Washington, D.C. media market during Fox News’ Fox & Friends and MSNBC’s Morning Joe, answering deceptive spots from Planned Parenthood running during the same time frame.
SBA List president Marjorie Dannenfelser is quoted as saying:
How quickly Planned Parenthood has changed its tune…. After reaching a new level of boldness in last year’s election, the nation’s largest abortion provider has launched a last-ditch PR effort to rebrand as a place committed to counseling and providing resources for women to enable them to keep their children. This deception flies in the face of new evidence from Live Action, which has documented Planned Parenthood employees admitting that the overwhelming majority of its affiliates do not offer prenatal care – and only do ultrasounds in service to abortion.
… Planned Parenthood is profit-driven, abortion-centered business that does not need or deserve taxpayer dollars and redirecting their taxpayer funding to community health centers would be a win for women’s health.
To read the full press release, click here.