The abortion industry in our country has long abandoned the “safe, legal and rare” mantra that viewed abortion as a necessary evil. Now, Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities promote abortion as normal, positive, and good with the #ShoutYourAbortion campaign and similar messaging. But the website Shout My Story serves as an alternative voice to this message, and tells the stories of thousands of women, men, and families who know the power of choosing life.
Shout My Story understands that women are pressured to choose abortion for all sorts of reasons: being young, being old, being poor, being uneducated, having a child with a life-altering or life-limiting medical condition, being raped, conceiving through incest, and on and on. And yet, the team writes on their website, “There are many deep and personal reasons why women and couples choose life despite difficult, gut-wrenching situations. We believe that life is precious, sacred, and must be protected. We believe that women deserve better than abortion for their physical and emotional health.”
READ: I was scheduled to be aborted, but my mother had the strength to walk out of the facility that day
Shout My Story team director Cynthia Morales told Live Action News about a 36-year-old woman she met several years back who experienced an unplanned pregnancy at age 16. The woman had all the “risk factors” that supposedly make abortion a good, or at least necessary, option: teen pregnancy, motherless, African American, in school, etc. And yet, the woman chose life for her child, and showed Morales a picture of her smiling 20-year-old son in his military uniform. Morales said that Shout My Story aims to share those stories — stories in which women and families did choose life, and how their lives changed for the better because of those decisions.
The Shout My Story organization encourages women and couples to share their experiences of choosing life with through short videos, many filmed by the team and some shared from other organizations like Live Action and Savethe1, as well as written stories like that of Elaine Riddick, founder of The Rebecca Project. The group also shares audio stories. Their motto is: “These are our stories of life to tell.” One story about Samantha, who conceived a child through rape, is shown below:
Morales told Live Action News that a documentary is in-process about families who received a life-altering or life-limiting medical diagnosis while their babies were still in utero. Their stories of choosing life after anencephaly, Trisomy 18, and Trisomy 21 diagnoses show clearly that where there is love, there is life. The trailer is below:
Shout My Story is an initiative of Pro-Life Champions, which “uses traditional and new media to educate, motivate, inspire, and challenge the culture on life issues.” Pro-Life Champions previously released the documentary “40” which features Live Action founder Lila Rose and examines the impact of 40 years of abortion-on-demand in America.
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