
Facility staff evasive with 911 dispatcher as woman has trouble breathing after abortion

ambulance, abortion facility, abortion, Illinois, planned parenthood, abortion, University of New Mexico

A Chicago abortion facility called 911 as a woman struggled to breathe after undergoing an abortion. Yet rather than being honest and forthcoming with emergency officials about her condition, the staffer was evasive and vague, and did not immediately disclose the facility’s location to the dispatcher.

The emergency took place on May 14, 2022, according to Operation Rescue, at Family Planning Associates Medical Group. A little over a month earlier, another patient at this facility had to be taken to the hospital due to making threats of suicide immediately after an abortion.

A physician’s assistant called 911, and did not originally disclose the name of the abortion facility, instead merely saying she was a physician’s assistant at a “doctor’s office” before going on to tell the dispatcher about the woman’s condition.

“We have a patient here who is not doing too well,” she said. “She has, uh, she is syncopal and having shortness of breath. Her hemoglobin is four.”

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A hemoglobin level of four is dangerously low, can be potentially life-threatening. While it is possible that the woman could have a pre-existing condition, low hemoglobin levels can also be caused by blood loss, and hemorrhage is a known complication of surgical abortions.

“Syncopal” means the woman was fainting or passing out. This, along with trouble breathing, can be related to blood loss and low hemoglobin levels, as oxygen is not reaching the brain. It’s also likely why the woman couldn’t walk — “ambulate” — without assistance.

Operation Rescue reported that this abortion facility has a long history of injuries to women, including malpractice suits.

“This killing center continues to kill babies, and injure or kill women,” Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue, said in a statement. “And we will continue to work with the pro-life community to bring these disturbing stories to the public – with the goal of shutting the doors of every single abortion business in the country.”

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