
Statement by Lila Rose on second baby parts harvesting video

Statement by Lila Rose on second baby parts harvesting video

July 21, 2015: “This latest video further illustrates the barbaric reality of business at Planned Parenthood–that after selling an abortion, Planned Parenthood works to improve their bottom line by harvesting the body parts of the child they have just killed. What has our nation come to that we allow the brutality of abortion upon our children, and then sell their broken bodies for profit, all the while, funding the perpetrator? While millions of Americans, on both sides of the political aisle, are expressing their horror at Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of preborn children’s bodies — their tiny lungs, hearts and livers — our taxpayer dollars continue to flow into the organization at the rate of over $500 million per year. Human rights are bipartisan — where is the outcry from presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, and others over sale of the parts of children? Silence in the face of such atrocity is complicity.”

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